Get execution

Use this information to get the current status of an execution.

The following elements are described:


Aspect Value
Endpoint URL /api/behaviour/executions/{executionId}

Path parameters

Field Description Mandatory
executionId ID of the execution Yes


Aspect Value
Content-Type /application/json
Response Code 200 (OK)


Field Description
id ID assigned to the execution
name Name assigned to the execution
scenarioId ID of the scenario being executed
createdAt Date and time the execution was requested
lastModifiedAt Date and time the execution instance was last modified
startedAt Date and time the execution started
finishedAt Date and time the execution completed (this might be empty if the execution is currently running)
status Execution status (PASS, IN_PROGRESS, ABORTED, FAIL, or PENDING)
scenarioSummary Summary of the scenario being executed
stageReports A list of reports for each stage in the execution
registeredAssemblies Details any assemblies created or referenced as part of the execution
registeredMetrics List of IDs for any metrics recorded during the execution
error Details of an error if one has occurred
The scenarioSummary contains:
Field Description
name Name of the scenario
description Description of the scenario
Each stageReport entry contains:
Field Description
name Name of the stage
steps List of reports for each step
Each stepReport entry contains:
Field Description
status Status of the step execution (PASS, IN_PROGRESS, ABORTED, FAIL, or PENDING)
startTime Date and time the step execution started (this might be empty if the step has not yet started)
endTime Date and time the step execution completed (this might be empty if the step has not yet completed)
stepDisplayName Display name of the step being executed
slices List of sentences detailing the action the steps takes
error Message detailing an error if one has occurred
Each registeredAssemblies entry contains:
Field Description
assemblyName Name of the assembly instance
assemblyId ID of the assembly instance
assemblyDescriptorName Name of the descriptor for this assembly instance
installed Boolean set to true if the assembly was installed as part of this scenario execution
uninstalled Boolean set to true if the assembly was uninstalled as part of this scenario execution


  "id": "7c132ad3-f126-2c1d-7fe1-42ac6234e145",
  "name": "EX-01-03-19-15-27-43",
  "createdAt": "2019-03-01T16:03:54.278Z",
  "lastModifiedAt": "2019-03-01T16:03:54.278Z",
  "finishedAt": "2019-03-01T16:03:54.278Z",
  "startedAt": "2019-03-01T16:03:54.278Z",
  "status": "PASS"
  "error": null,
  "scenarioId": "8e266bc5-e613-4b0d-9ae0-50db6454b026",
  "scenarioSummary": {
​    "description": "Test scenario",
​    "name": "Test Scenario"
  "registeredAssemblies": [
​    {
​      "assemblyDescriptorName": "TestInstance",
​      "assemblyId": "7a243de5-a324-3c1a-8af1-40ac1256a136",
​      "assemblyName": "TestInstance",
​      "installed": true,
​      "uninstalled": true
​    }
  "registeredMetrics": [
  "stageReports": [
​    {
​      "name": "Test Stage",
​      "status": "PASS",
​      "steps": [
​        {
​          "endTime": "2019-03-01T16:03:54.278Z",
​          "error": "string",
​          "slices": [
​            "I change the state of an assembly called TestInstance to Inactive"
​          ],
​          "startTime": "2019-03-01T16:03:54.278Z",
​          "status": "PASS",
​          "stepDisplayName": "Change Assembly State",
​          "stepType": "ACTION"
​        }
​      ]
​    }