Updating the collector configuration map

Update your collector configuration map to add a rule, filters, and an index.

Before you begin

Back up your collector configuration map by running this command:
oc get configmaps collector -n openshift-logging -o yaml > /root/collector.yaml


  1. Log in to your OpenShift® Container Platform cluster console.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Workloads > ConfigMaps.
  3. From the Project menu, click openshift-logging.
  4. Click the overflow menu Vertical overflow menu icon for the collector row.
  5. Click Actions > Edit ConfigMap.
  6. Update the configuration map to add the rule, filters, and index. To see the updates that you need to make, see the sample configuration map in the example after this procedure.
    To make the updates, complete the following steps:
    1. Search for # CP4NA add in the sample configuration map.
    2. Copy the content from a section marked # CP4NA add in the sample configuration map.
    3. Locate the appropriate part of the configuration map for the section that you copied, then paste the section.
    4. If you did not install the Cloud Pak in the lifecycle-manager namespace, replace all occurrences of lifecycle-manager in the pasted section with the name of the namespace where you installed the Cloud Pak.
    5. Repeat these steps for all four updates.
  7. Click Save.


Copy the content that you need from the following sample Fluentd configuration map.
  • In the YAML in the sample configuration map, the IBM® Cloud Pak for Network Automation namespace is set to lifecycle-manager. If your namespace is different, you must update the configuration map.
  • The sections of content marked # CP4NA add are also listed separately after the configuration map.
# This file is a copy of the fluentd configuration entrypoint
# which should normally be supplied in a configmap.

  log_level "#{ENV['LOG_LEVEL'] || 'warn'}"

# Prometheus Monitoring
  @type prometheus
  bind "#{ENV['PROM_BIND_IP']}"
  <transport tls>
    cert_path /etc/collector/metrics/tls.crt
    private_key_path /etc/collector/metrics/tls.key

  @type prometheus_monitor
    hostname ${hostname}

# excluding prometheus_tail_monitor
# since it leaks namespace/pod info
# via file paths

# tail_monitor plugin which publishes log_collected_bytes_total
  @type collected_tail_monitor
    hostname ${hostname}

# This is considered experimental by the repo
  @type prometheus_output_monitor
    hostname ${hostname}

# Logs from linux journal
  @type systemd
  @id systemd-input
  @label @INGRESS
  path '/var/log/journal'
    @type local
    persistent true
    # NOTE: if this does not end in .json, fluentd will think it
    # is the name of a directory - see fluentd storage_local.rb
    path '/var/lib/fluentd/pos/journal_pos.json'
  matches "#{ENV['JOURNAL_FILTERS_JSON'] || '[]'}"
  tag journal
  read_from_head "#{if (val = ENV.fetch('JOURNAL_READ_FROM_HEAD','')) && (val.length > 0); val; else 'false'; end}"

# Logs from containers (including openshift containers)
  @type tail
  @id container-input
  path "/var/log/pods/*/*/*.log"
  exclude_path ["/var/log/pods/openshift-logging_collector-*/*/*.log", "/var/log/pods/openshift-logging_elasticsearch-*/*/*.log", "/var/log/pods/openshift-logging_kibana-*/*/*.log", "/var/log/pods/openshift-logging_*/loki*/*.log", "/var/log/pods/openshift-logging_*/gateway/*.log", "/var/log/pods/openshift-logging_*/opa/*.log", "/var/log/pods/*/*/*.gz", "/var/log/pods/*/*/*.tmp"]
  pos_file "/var/lib/fluentd/pos/es-containers.log.pos"
  follow_inodes true
  refresh_interval 5
  rotate_wait 5
  tag kubernetes.*
  read_from_head "true"
  skip_refresh_on_startup true
  @label @CONCAT
    @type regexp
    expression /^(?<@timestamp>[^\s]+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr) (?<logtag>[F|P]) (?<message>.*)$/
    time_key '@timestamp'
    keep_time_key true

# Concat log lines of container logs, and send to INGRESS pipeline
<label @CONCAT>
  <filter kubernetes.**>
    @type concat
    key message
    partial_key logtag
    partial_value P
    separator ''

  <match kubernetes.**>
    @type relabel
    @label @INGRESS

# Ingress pipeline
<label @INGRESS>
  # Filter out PRIORITY from journal logs
  <filter journal>
    @type grep
      key PRIORITY
      pattern ^7$

  # Process OVN logs
  <filter ovn-audit.log**>
    @type record_modifier
      @timestamp ${DateTime.parse(record['message'].split('|')[0]).rfc3339(6)}
      level ${record['message'].split('|')[3].downcase}

  # Process Kube and OpenShift Audit logs
  <filter k8s-audit.log openshift-audit.log>
    @type record_modifier
      @timestamp ${record['requestReceivedTimestamp']}

  # Retag Journal logs to specific tags
  <match journal>
    @type rewrite_tag_filter
    # skip to @INGRESS label section
    @label @INGRESS

    # see if this is a kibana container for special log handling
    # looks like this:
    # k8s_kibana.a67f366_logging-kibana-1-d90e3_logging_26c51a61-2835-11e6-ad29-fa163e4944d5_f0db49a2
    # we filter these logs through the kibana_transform.conf filter
      pattern ^k8s_kibana\.
      tag kubernetes.journal.container.kibana

      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_logging-eventrouter-[^_]+_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._default_.kubernetes-event

    # mark logs from default namespace for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_default_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._default_

    # mark logs from kube-* namespaces for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_kube-(.+)_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._kube-$1_

    # mark logs from openshift-* namespaces for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_openshift-(.+)_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._openshift-$1_

    # mark logs from openshift namespace for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_openshift_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._openshift_

    # CP4NA add following lines in collector config map at the same location
    # mark logs from lifecycle-manager namespace for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_lifecycle-manager_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._lifecycle-manager_
    # CP4NA 

    # mark fluentd container logs
      pattern ^k8s_.*fluentd
      tag kubernetes.journal.container.fluentd

    # this is a kubernetes container
      pattern ^k8s_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container

    # not kubernetes - assume a system log or system container log
      key _TRANSPORT
      pattern .+
      tag journal.system

  # Invoke kubernetes apiserver to get kubernetes metadata
  <filter kubernetes.**>
    @id kubernetes-metadata
    @type kubernetes_metadata
    kubernetes_url 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
    annotation_match ["^containerType\.logging\.openshift\.io\/.*$"]
    allow_orphans false
    cache_size '1000'
    ssl_partial_chain 'true'

  # Parse Json fields for container, journal and eventrouter logs
  <filter kubernetes.var.log.pods.**_eventrouter-**>
    @type parse_json_field
    merge_json_log true
    preserve_json_log true
    json_fields 'message'

  # CP4NA add following lines in collector config map at the same location
  # filter for lifecycle-manager namespace
  <filter **_lifecycle-manager_**>
    @type parser
    key_name message
    format json
    reserve_data true

  <filter **_lifecycle-manager_**>
    @type record_transformer
    enable_ruby true
      transactionId ${if record["tracectx.transactionid"]; record["tracectx.transactionid"]; else; s = record["message"]; matchdata = s.match(/.*data=.*\/api\/topology\/assemblies\/([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}).*/) ; if matchdata; matchdata.captures; matchdata[1]; else; s = record["message"]; matchdata = s.match(/.*assemblyId=([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}).*/); if matchdata; matchdata.captures; matchdata[1]; end; end; end;}

  <filter **_lifecycle-manager_**>
    @type systemd_entry
    field_map {"TRANSACTION_ID": "tracectx.transactionid"}
    field_map_strict false
    fields_strip_underscores true
  # CP4NA

  # Fix level field in audit logs
  <filter k8s-audit.log**>
    @type record_modifier
      k8s_audit_level ${record['level']}

  <filter openshift-audit.log**>
    @type record_modifier
      openshift_audit_level ${record['level']}

  # Viaq Data Model
  <filter **>
    @type viaq_data_model
    enable_flatten_labels true
    enable_prune_empty_fields false
    default_keep_fields CEE,time,@timestamp,aushape,ci_job,collectd,docker,fedora-ci,file,foreman,geoip,hostname,ipaddr4,ipaddr6,kubernetes,level,message,namespace_name,namespace_uuid,offset,openstack,ovirt,pid,pipeline_metadata,rsyslog,service,systemd,tags,testcase,tlog,viaq_msg_id
    keep_empty_fields 'message'
    rename_time true
    pipeline_type 'collector'
    process_kubernetes_events false
      name warn
      match 'Warning|WARN|^W[0-9]+|level=warn|Value:warn|"level":"warn"'
      name info
      match 'Info|INFO|^I[0-9]+|level=info|Value:info|"level":"info"'
      name error
      match 'Error|ERROR|^E[0-9]+|level=error|Value:error|"level":"error"'
      name critical
      match 'Critical|CRITICAL|^C[0-9]+|level=critical|Value:critical|"level":"critical"'
      name debug
      match 'Debug|DEBUG|^D[0-9]+|level=debug|Value:debug|"level":"debug"'
      tag "journal.system**"
      type sys_journal
      tag "kubernetes.var.log.pods.**_eventrouter-** k8s-audit.log** openshift-audit.log** ovn-audit.log**"
      type k8s_json_file
      remove_keys stream
      process_kubernetes_events 'true'
      tag "kubernetes.var.log.pods**"
      type k8s_json_file
      remove_keys stream

  # Generate elasticsearch id
  <filter **>
    @type elasticsearch_genid_ext
    hash_id_key viaq_msg_id
    alt_key kubernetes.event.metadata.uid
    alt_tags 'kubernetes.var.log.pods.**_eventrouter-*.** kubernetes.journal.container._default_.kubernetes-event'

  # Include Infrastructure logs
  <match kubernetes.var.log.pods.openshift_** kubernetes.var.log.pods.openshift-*_** kubernetes.var.log.pods.default_** kubernetes.var.log.pods.kube-*_** journal.** system.var.log**>
    @type relabel

  # Include Application logs
  <match kubernetes.**>
    @type relabel
    @label @_APPLICATION

  # Discard Audit logs
  <match linux-audit.log** k8s-audit.log** openshift-audit.log** ovn-audit.log**>
    @type null

  # Send any remaining unmatched tags to stdout
  <match **>
    @type stdout

# Sending application source type to pipeline
  <filter **>
    @type record_modifier
      log_type application

  <match **>
    @type relabel
    @label @PIPELINE_0_

# Sending infrastructure source type to pipeline
  <filter **>
    @type record_modifier
      log_type infrastructure

  <match **>
    @type relabel
    @label @PIPELINE_0_

# Copying pipeline pipeline_0_ to outputs
<label @PIPELINE_0_>
  <match **>
    @type relabel
    @label @DEFAULT

# Ship logs to specific outputs
<label @DEFAULT>
  #dedot namespace_labels
  <filter **>
    @type record_modifier
      _dummy_ ${if m=record.dig("kubernetes","namespace_labels");record["kubernetes"]["namespace_labels"]={}.tap{|n|m.each{|k,v|n[k.gsub(/[.\/]/,'_')]=v}};end}
      _dummy2_ ${if m=record.dig("kubernetes","labels");record["kubernetes"]["labels"]={}.tap{|n|m.each{|k,v|n[k.gsub(/[.\/]/,'_')]=v}};end}
      _dummy3_ ${if m=record.dig("kubernetes","flat_labels");record["kubernetes"]["flat_labels"]=[].tap{|n|m.each_with_index{|s, i|n[i] = s.gsub(/[.\/]/,'_')}};end}
    remove_keys _dummy_, _dummy2_, _dummy3_

  # Viaq Data Model
  <filter **>
    @type viaq_data_model
    enable_openshift_model false
    enable_prune_empty_fields false
    rename_time false
    undefined_dot_replace_char UNUSED
    elasticsearch_index_prefix_field 'viaq_index_name'
    # CP4NA add following lines in collector config map at the same location
      enabled 'true'
      tag "**"
      name_type static
      static_index_name lm-logs-write
    # CP4NA
      enabled 'true'
      tag "kubernetes.var.log.pods.openshift_** kubernetes.var.log.pods.openshift-*_** kubernetes.var.log.pods.default_** kubernetes.var.log.pods.kube-*_** var.log.pods.openshift_** var.log.pods.openshift-*_** var.log.pods.default_** var.log.pods.kube-*_** journal.system** system.var.log**"
      name_type static
      static_index_name infra-write
      enabled 'true'
      tag "linux-audit.log** k8s-audit.log** openshift-audit.log** ovn-audit.log**"
      name_type static
      static_index_name audit-write
      enabled 'true'
      tag "**"
      name_type structured
      static_index_name app-write
  <filter **>
    @type viaq_data_model
    enable_prune_labels true
    enable_openshift_model false
    rename_time false
    undefined_dot_replace_char UNUSED
    prune_labels_exclusions app_kubernetes_io_name,app_kubernetes_io_instance,app_kubernetes_io_version,app_kubernetes_io_component,app_kubernetes_io_part-of,app_kubernetes_io_managed-by,app_kubernetes_io_created-by

  #rebuild message field if present
  <filter **>
    @type record_modifier
      _dummy_ ${(require 'json';record['message']=JSON.dump(record['structured'])) if record['structured'] and record['viaq_index_name'] == 'app-write'}
    remove_keys _dummy_

  #remove structured field if present
  <filter **>
    @type record_modifier
    char_encoding utf-8:utf-8
    remove_keys structured

  <match retry_default>
    @type elasticsearch
    @id retry_default
    host elasticsearch
    port 9200
    scheme https
    ssl_version TLSv1_2
    client_key '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/collector/tls.key'
    client_cert '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/collector/tls.crt'
    ca_file '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/collector/ca-bundle.crt'
    target_index_key viaq_index_name
    id_key viaq_msg_id
    remove_keys viaq_index_name
    verify_es_version_at_startup false

    type_name _doc
    http_backend typhoeus
    write_operation create
    reload_connections 'true'
    # https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch#reload-after
    reload_after '200'
    # https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch#sniffer-class-name
    sniffer_class_name 'Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchSimpleSniffer'
    reload_on_failure false
    # 2 ^ 31
    request_timeout 2147483648
      @type file
      path '/var/lib/fluentd/retry_default'
      flush_mode interval
      flush_interval 1s
      flush_thread_count 2
      retry_type exponential_backoff
      retry_wait 1s
      retry_max_interval 60s
      retry_timeout 60m
      queued_chunks_limit_size "#{ENV['BUFFER_QUEUE_LIMIT'] || '32'}"
      total_limit_size "#{ENV['TOTAL_LIMIT_SIZE_PER_BUFFER'] || '8589934592'}"
      chunk_limit_size "#{ENV['BUFFER_SIZE_LIMIT'] || '8m'}"
      overflow_action block
      disable_chunk_backup true

  <match **>
    @type elasticsearch
    @id default
    host elasticsearch
    port 9200
    scheme https
    ssl_version TLSv1_2
    client_key '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/collector/tls.key'
    client_cert '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/collector/tls.crt'
    ca_file '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/collector/ca-bundle.crt'
    target_index_key viaq_index_name
    id_key viaq_msg_id
    remove_keys viaq_index_name
    verify_es_version_at_startup false

    type_name _doc
    retry_tag retry_default
    http_backend typhoeus
    write_operation create
    reload_connections 'true'
    # https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch#reload-after
    reload_after '200'
    # https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch#sniffer-class-name
    sniffer_class_name 'Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchSimpleSniffer'
    reload_on_failure false
    # 2 ^ 31
    request_timeout 2147483648
      @type file
      path '/var/lib/fluentd/default'
      flush_mode interval
      flush_interval 1s
      flush_thread_count 2
      retry_type exponential_backoff
      retry_wait 1s
      retry_max_interval 60s
      retry_timeout 60m
      queued_chunks_limit_size "#{ENV['BUFFER_QUEUE_LIMIT'] || '32'}"
      total_limit_size "#{ENV['TOTAL_LIMIT_SIZE_PER_BUFFER'] || '8589934592'}"
      chunk_limit_size "#{ENV['BUFFER_SIZE_LIMIT'] || '8m'}"
      overflow_action block
      disable_chunk_backup true

The sections of content marked # CP4NA add are listed here.

# CP4NA add following lines in collector config map at the same location
# mark logs from lifecycle-manager namespace for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
  pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_lifecycle-manager_
  tag kubernetes.journal.container._lifecycle-manager_
# CP4NA 
# CP4NA add following lines in collector config map at the same location
# filter for lifecycle-manager namespace
<filter **_lifecycle-manager_**>
  @type parser
  key_name message
  format json
  reserve_data true

<filter **_lifecycle-manager_**>
  @type record_transformer
  enable_ruby true
    transactionId ${if record["tracectx.transactionid"]; record["tracectx.transactionid"]; else; s = record["message"]; matchdata = s.match(/.*data=.*\/api\/topology\/assemblies\/([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}).*/) ; if matchdata; matchdata.captures; matchdata[1]; else; s = record["message"]; matchdata = s.match(/.*assemblyId=([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}).*/); if matchdata; matchdata.captures; matchdata[1]; end; end; end;}

<filter **_lifecycle-manager_**>
  @type systemd_entry
  field_map {"TRANSACTION_ID": "tracectx.transactionid"}
  field_map_strict false
  fields_strip_underscores true
# CP4NA add following lines in collector config map at the same location
  enabled 'true'
  tag "**"
  name_type static
  static_index_name lm-logs-write