Onboarding resource drivers

You can onboard drivers with the LMCTL create resourcedriver command.

Drivers, by default, run with SSL enabled and must be onboarded with an SSL certificate that allows Brent to communicate with them. To retrieve the SSL certificate for a deployed driver (in base64-encoded PEM format), run the following command:
oc get secret <secretName> -o 'go-template={{index .data "tls.crt"}}' | base64 -d > <secretName>.pem
<secretName> is the name of the secret that holds the SSL certificate for the driver, as shown in the following table:
Driver SSL Secret
Ansible® ald-tls
Kubernetes kubedriver-tls
NETCONF netconf-driver-tls
OpenStack ovd-tls
RESTCONF (deprecated in 2.7.7) restconf-driver-tls
SOL 003 sol003-lifecycle-driver-tls
SOL 005 sol005-lifecycle-driver-tls

<secretName>.pem is the local file in which you store the driver’s certificate.

Use this file name again as the --certificate parameter for the following lmctl onboarding commands. Ensure that the --type assigned is the same as the infrastructure-type in your resource package. The --url must be a valid endpoint that is reachable from your installation of Brent; in a Kubernetes cluster you can use the internal service name and port. The <env> parameter is the name of the environment from the LMCTL configuration file where the driver is to be added.

lmctl create resourcedriver --set type=ansible --set baseUri=https://ansible-lifecycle-driver:8293 --certificate ald-tls.pem 
lmctl create resourcedriver --set type=kubernetes --set baseUri=https://kubedriver:8294 --certificate kubedriver-tls.pem
lmctl create resourcedriver --set type=netconf --set baseUri=https://netconfdriver:7139 --certificate netconf-driver-tls.pem
lmctl create resourcedriver --set type=openstack --set baseUri=https://os-vim-driver:8292 --certificate ovd-tls.pem
lmctl create resourcedriver --set type=restconf --set baseUri=https://restconfdriver:8196 --certificate restconf-driver-tls.pem
SOL 003
lmctl create resourcedriver --set type=sol003 --set baseUri=https://sol003driver:8296 --certificate sol003-lifecycle-driver-tls.pem
SOL 005
lmctl create resourcedriver --set type=sol005 --set baseUri=https://sol005driver:8296 --certificate sol005-lifecycle-driver-tls.pem

Next steps

You can remove resource drivers by using the LMCTL delete command. For example, to delete the Ansible driver, run the following command:
lmctl delete resourcedriver --type ansible