Get all assembly configurations

Use this information to retrieve all assembly configurations in a behavior testing project (descriptor).

The following elements are described:


Aspect Value
Endpoint URL /api/behaviour/assemblyConfigurations?projectId={projectId}

Query parameters

Field Description Mandatory
projectId ID of the behavior testing project (usually the descriptor name) Yes


Aspect Value
Content-Type application/json
Response Code 200 (OK)


The body contains a single list of Assembly configurations. Each configuration contains the following fields:
Field Description
id Unique identifier of the assembly configuration
name Name of the assembly configuration
description Supplied description of the assembly configuration
projectId Unique identifier for the behavior test project where this assembly configuration belongs
descriptorName Name of the assembly descriptor to be instantiated in this configuration
createdAt Date and time the assembly configuration instance was created
lastModifiedAt Date and time the assembly configuration instance was last modified
properties Name-value pairs, each defining a property value to use when instantiating an assembly from this configuration


​    "id": "8e266bc5-e613-4b0d-9ae0-50db6454b026",
​    "name": "test",
​    "projectId": "assembly::Test::1.0",
​    "description": "description",
​    "descriptorName": "assembly::Test::1.0",
​    "createdAt": "2019-03-01T10:07:21.289Z",
​    "lastModifiedAt": "2019-03-01T10:07:21.289Z",
    "properties": {
​      "additionalProp1": "string",
​      "additionalProp2": "string",
​      "additionalProp3": "string"
​    }