
Authenticate with an environment and save credentials within the LMCTL configuration file for later use.

Usage command

Use the following command to authenticate with an environment:

lmctl login [OPTIONS] ADDRESS


Name Description Default Example
Address Ishtar API gateway address of the target environment - https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com


Name Description Default Example
-u, --username Username used to authenticate. - --username almadmin
-p, --pwd, --password Password that is used to authenticate the user given on username. - --pwd secret
--api-key Specify the API key for the user if they are using Zen for authentication. - --api-key 123
--client Client ID that is used to authenticate. - --client Admin
--client-secret Secret that is used for authenticating client. - --client-secret secret
--token Use a token instead of credentials for authentication. - --token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6.....8enat7Ao
--zen Use Zen for authentication. If you specify this option, you must also specify the --api-key option. False --zen
--name Name given to the environment saved in the configuration file. Default --name dev

The authentication address to use without client credentials for username or password access. The authentication address is your Nimrod UI route.

If the user is using Zen for authentication, the authentication address is the address for the Zen authorization API.

- --auth-address https://cp4na-o-nimrod.example.com
--save-creds Save the credentials instead of the token. False --save-creds
--print Print the access token rather than saving it. False --print
-y Force command to accept all confirmation prompts. For example, to override existing environment with the same name. False -y


Login with UI username and password
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --auth-address https://cp4na-o-nimrod.example.com \
--username almadmin --password password
Login with Rest API username and password
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --client Client --client-secret secret --username almadmin --password password
Note: If you run lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com, then you need to enter the values suited for this combination.
Login with Rest API client credentials
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --client Admin --client-secret secret
Login with existing token
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --token eyJhbGciOi...4s8enat7Ao
Login with Zen username or api-key
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --zen \
--auth-address https://cpd-lifecycle-manager.apps.example.com/icp4d-api/v1/authorize --username almadmin --api-key 123
Save with alternative name
Names the environment my-test-env with alternative name, instead of the default value.
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --client Admin --client-secret secret --name my-test-env
To check the environment, run the following command:
lmctl get env my-test-env
Update environment
You can call login on an existing environment to refresh the token or to replace credentials. In that case, you are prompted to override the existing environment.
# First login
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --client Admin --client-secret secret

# Second login
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --client Admin --client-secret alt-secret

Login success
An environment with name "default" already exists, do you want to override it? [y/N]: y
Updating config at: /home/dvs/.lmctl/config.yaml
Alternatively, use the -y to confirm overriding the existing environment.
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --client Admin --client-secret alt-secret -y

Login success
Updating config at: /home/dvs/.lmctl/config.yaml
Prompt for password
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --auth-address https://cp4na-o-nimrod.example.com --username almadmin

Password []:
Login success
Updating config at: /home/myuser/.lmctl/config.yaml
Prompt for client secret
lmctl login https://cp4na-o-ishtar.example.com --client Admin 

Client Secret []:
Login success
Updating config at: /home/myuser/.lmctl/config.yaml