Pulling project artifacts

Pull contents of the assembly projects and subproject.

About this task

You can pull project artifact changes to only the service descriptor, and the service behavior assembly configurations and scenarios.

A backup of project artifacts before the pull is stored in the _lmctl/pre_pull_backup directory relative to your project. If the changes are pulled from an environment by mistake, you can revert the changes by copying the contents from the pre-pull directory.
Note: The pre-pull directory keeps only a backup version of each artifact before the last pull.


Go to the project directory and follow the steps to pull the changes:

  1. Run the project pull command with the target environment name from your LMCTL configuration file:
    lmctl project pull dev
  2. Make sure that the Descriptor/assembly.yml file is populated with your service design, and the Behaviour directory is populated with any assembly configurations or scenarios present in your orchestration component.
  3. Verify the contents of assembly subproject.