Configuring Microsoft SQL Server monitoring
You must configure the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server so that the agent can collect data from the application that is being monitored.
Before you begin
The directions here are for the most current release of this agent. For information about how to check the version of an agent in your environment, see Using agent commands. For detailed information about the agent version list and what's new for each version, see Change history.
Review the hardware and software prerequisites. For the up-to-date system requirement information, see System requirements for agents, data collectors, and plug-ins.
You can install and configure the Microsoft SQL Server agent locally by using the command prompt interface. Ensure that the agent is installed on the server that is being monitored.
About this task
The Microsoft SQL Server agent is a multiple instance agent. You must configure and start each agent instance manually.
To configure the agent, complete the following tasks:
- Create a user and grant the required permissions
- Select the databases for monitoring
- Configure the local environment variables
To run the agent in a cluster environment, complete the steps that are described in the “Running the agent in a cluster environment” topic.
Child topics:
- Creating a user and granting permissions
- Running as a non-administrator user
- Selecting the databases for monitoring
- Configuring local environment variables
- Configuring the agent by using the silent response file
- Running the agent in a cluster environment
- Configuring the agent by using the cluster utility
- Configuring multiple collations for ERRORLOG file
- Configuring historical job count for monitoring