Upgrading the Platform UI

Upgrade the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI by upgrading the Cloud Pak for Integration operator and the PlatformNavigator custom resource.

This task must be performed by a cluster administrator. For more information about this role, see Roles and permissions.

Upgrading the IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration instance involves these tasks, in the order provided:

  1. Before you begin

  2. Upgrading the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration operator

  3. Upgrading the Platform UI instance

These operations often require manual steps. For more information, see each of the following sections.

Before you begin

Review the applicable topic linked from Overview - Upgrading before you upgrade the Platform UI. Pay particular attention to the required order of upgrade for Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform and IBM Cloud Pak foundational services, as well as tasks that can be performed after the upgrade completes.

Upgrading the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration operator

To upgrade the operator, follow the instructions in Upgrading operators and upgrade the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration operator.

When the operator is upgraded, you can upgrade the instance.

Upgrading the Platform UI instance

Editing the custom resource (in the OpenShift web console or the CLI) completes the upgrade of the Platform UI instance.

An upgraded Platform UI operator might support new versions of the Platform UI custom resource. You can confirm what versions are available for a specific instance of Platform UI by checking the status.versions.available section of the custom resource. For more information about available versions, see Operator channel versions for this release.

Using the OpenShift web console:

  1. Click to expand Project and select the project in which you deployed the Platform UI.

  2. In the navigation panel, click Operators > Installed Operators.

  3. In the list on the Installed Operators panel, find and click IBM Cloud Pak for Integration.

  4. Click the Platform UI tab.

  5. Click the instance that is listed.

  6. Click YAML. A YAML editor opens.

  7. For spec.version, enter 2023.2.1.

  8. For spec.license.license, enter either L-YBXJ-ADJNSM or L-PYRA-849GYQ. For more information about specific licenses, see Licensing.

  9. Save your changes. The Platform UI now begins to upgrade.

  10. Click the Details tab.

  11. Scroll to the end of the page, to the Conditions section. Here you can monitor the progress of the upgrade. Some Error conditions are transient and change back to Pending after a few minutes. The length of time for upgrade can be from between 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on what version you are upgrading from.

Important: Do not proceed until the Conditions status changes to Ready.

When the upgrade of Platform UI is complete, you can proceed to Upgrading capabilities.

Using the CLI:

  1. Log into your cluster with your OpenShift user credentials:

    oc login
  2. Get the list of Platform UI instances running on your cluster:

    oc get pn --all-namespaces
  3. Identify the instance you want to upgrade and edit the custom resource:

    oc edit PlatformNavigator <instance-name>

    This opens the custom resource in your default editor.

    Enter the following values:

    • For spec.version - 2023.2.1.

    • For spec.license.license - either L-YBXJ-ADJNSM or L-PYRA-849GYQ. For more information about specific licenses, see Licensing.

    Save your changes. The Platform UI now begins upgrading.

  4. Get the list of Platform UI instances running on your cluster to track the status of the upgrade.

    oc get pn --all-namespaces

When the upgrade of Platform UI is complete, you can proceed to Upgrading capabilities.