Managing versions and upgrades by using the Platform UI

The versions and upgrade interface in the Platform UI simplifies the upgrade of operators and instances of capabilities by ensuring that they are within the optimal ranges for the installed Platform UI version. It is designed to inform and support users in understanding the versions that are installed, and upgrade them if needed.

You must be an administrator to perform upgrades with the upgrade interface.

Getting an overview of the environment

The Environments page provides versioning information on three key components of the underlying platform for your Cloud Pak for Integration installation: Platform UI, Cloud Pak foundational services, and OpenShift.

  1. Log in to the Platform UI.

  2. In the navigation menu, under Administration, click Integration versions and upgrades.

  3. Click the Environments tab.

You get information on the installed versions for:

  • The Platform UI (both the operator and instance).

  • Cloud Pak foundational services, and the range of versions that is optimal for this installation of the Cloud Pak.

  • OpenShift, and the range of versions that is optimal for this installation of the Cloud Pak.

If any of the installed components are out of range, ensure optimal compatibility by upgrading them to be within the provided ranges.

Generating an upgrade plan

The following steps generate a plan for upgrading your installation of Cloud Pak for Integration to a target version.

  1. Log in to the Platform UI.

  2. In the navigation menu, under Administration, click Integration versions and upgrades.

  3. Click the Upgrade planning tab.

  4. Select the appropriate target version for Cloud Pak for Integration.

  5. Click the Refresh button.

    The Platform UI runs a check of your existing Cloud Pak for Integration installation and compares the current installed versions of components with those that are part of the target version. Once the check has completed, you get a sequence of steps that are required in order to upgrade the Cloud Pak for Integration installation.

    Steps that are already complete are marked with a green checkmark icon. Click the header for each step to get more information.

    Steps that are not yet complete are marked with a gray checkmark icon and additional information for that step is provided. The additional information may include links to relevant pages in the OpenShift web console or the UI where you can upgrade an instance. For example:

    • Clicking the OpenShift URL link to upgrade an operator opens the Subscription page for the operator that you selected in the OpenShift web console.

    • Clicking the Change version link to upgrade an instance opens a panel that allows you to select the version that you want.

Tip: The upgrade plan does not update itself automatically when changes are made. Once you have completed one or more of the upgrade steps, or tasks within a step, click the Refresh button again to update the upgrade plan.

Managing operator versions

The Capabilities page provides the versions of all the operators that are installed, so that you can ensure that they are at the optimal versions. This is especially useful when doing an upgrade.

  1. Log in to the Platform UI.

  2. In the navigation menu, under Administration, click Integration versions and upgrades.

  3. Click the Capabilities tab.

    You get a list of all the Cloud Pak for Integration operators that are installed.

  4. If an operator has an Upgrade tag on the operator tile, upgrading it ensures optimal performance. Click the tile for an operator (for example, IBM API Connect).

    • A notification at the beginning of the page describes the ideal range for that operator, which corresponds to the installed version of Cloud Pak for Integration. If applicable, you also get a table listing the instances managed by that operator.

    • If the operator has a dependency that needs upgrading, you get a second notification. For example, API Connect requires the administrator to upgrade the DataPower operator. An Upgrade button within this notification opens a new window that takes you directly to the Subscription page for the dependency's operator.

    • If the operator version is too high or the operator is not installed, you get a warning notification that explaining the issue and providing possible actions to be take.

  5. Click the Upgrade button on the tile to open the Subscription page for the selected operator in the OpenShift web console. Follow the procedure in Upgrading operators by using the OpenShift web console to upgrade the operator to the version that you want. Use the information about the ideal range that was returned by the upgrade plan (from the first notification that was mentioned in the previous step) when you are asked to select the operator channel.

  6. When the operator upgrade is complete, go back to the Platform UI and click the Capabilities tab again. Click the refresh icon on the table of instances. This updates the state of the operator.

Now that the operator is upgraded, upgrade the instances that the operator manages by completing the steps in the next section.

Upgrading instances on the Integration versions and upgrades page

Prerequisite: You cannot upgrade an instance through this interface until its corresponding operator is installed successfully and within the recommended range.

Tip: If you want to upgrade instances independently of the operator version that you plan to use, use the procedure in the following section, Upgrading instances independently of the operator version.
  1. Log in to the Platform UI.

  2. In the navigation menu, under Administration, click Integration versions and upgrades.

  3. Click the Capabilities tab.

  4. Click the operator that you want to use. You get a table of instances that are available for upgrade.

    • Each listed instance has a notification that describes the required actions that are needed for upgrade.

    • In the Optimal range column, if an instance is within the range that is specified, there is a green checkmark. If not, you get information about the range the instance needs to be within to be aligned with the installed version of the Platform UI.

  5. To upgrade an instance, click the overflow menu (three vertical dots) for that instance and click Change version. This opens a pane that allows you to select the wanted version (aligned with the notification from the previous step) from the dropdown menu. If a new license is required (instead of the existing license), you get the license name with an Accept toggle so you can accept the new license.

  6. Click Change version to patch the instance with the new version (and the new license, if required). Once successful, the page automatically reloads and reflects the selected changes.

  7. Repeat the process for each instance in the table. If you have more than 10 instances, you can set pagination to increase the number of instances shown. Click the arrow buttons to cycle between pages, or use the search page to find a specific instance.

Upgrading instances independently of the operator version

Use the "Integrations instances" page (instead of the "Integration versions and upgrades" page in the previous section) when you want to upgrade instances independently of the operator version that you plan to use. For example, you might want only to apply a fix pack to an instance from an older release of Cloud Pak for Integration).

  1. Log in to the Platform UI.

  2. In the navigation menu, under Administration, click Integration instances Find the instance to upgrade, and open the overflow menu by clicking the three-dot icon at the end of the row.

  3. Click Change version.

  4. If you are asked to select a new license when upgrading to a new version, select the license and click Accept.

  5. Select the upgrade version and click Change version.