
Learn about licensing and entitlements for IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration.

Notice: This License Guide provides supplementary information to assist you in deploying the Programs you licensed from IBM within your purchased entitlement. Your license agreement (such as the IBM International Program License Agreement (IPLA) or equivalent, and its transaction documents, including the License Information for Cloud Pak for Integration 2022.4) is the sole and complete agreement between you and IBM regarding use of the Program.

Listing of licenses by type

These licenses are used when creating instances of the Cloud Pak components, in the spec.license.license field of each custom resource:

Full licenses

Full licenses include 3 cores of Restricted Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for each virtual processor core (VPC) of Cloud Pak for Integration.

To review the license agreements for any of the following full IBM Cloud Pak for Integration licenses, click the link for that license:

Reserved or limited edition licenses

Reserved or limited edition licenses do not include OpenShift entitlement. They are intended for organizations that either have an existing Red Hat OpenShift entitlement, or commit to using Cloud Pak for Integration on public cloud environments with managed OpenShift. Prior IBM approval is required.

The reserved or limited edition IBM Cloud Pak for Integration licenses can be found here:

Full licenses on the cluster

The full IBM Cloud Pak for Integration licenses can be accessed on the cluster at the following address:


To find values for the placeholders in the URL:

  • <home> is the host of the Cloud Pak, for example, To get the value of <home>, do one of the following:

    • in the OpenShift web console, select the Project (namespace) where the instance of the Cloud Pak instance is deployed, then locate and click the route that is called cpd.

    • run the following command in OpenShift Container Platform CLI, replacing <namespace> with the namespace where the Cloud Pak instance is deployed:

    oc get route cpd -n <namespace>
  • <license_title> can take one of the following values:

Language License value
Czech LA_cs
German LA_de
Greek LA_el
English LA_en
Spanish LA_es
French LA_fr
Italian LA_it
Japanese LA_ja
Korean LA_ko
Lithuanian LA_lt
Polish LA_pl
Portuguese LA_pt
Russian LA_ru
Slovenian LA_sl
Turkish LA_tr
Portuguese LA_pt
Chinese LA_zh
  • Other documents:

Type Value
Non-IBM license non_ibm_license
Notices notices

Table of license versions

License Use Description
L-RJON-CJR2RX Production or nonproduction IBM Cloud Pak for Integration 2022.4.1
L-RJON-CJR2TC Production or nonproduction IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Limited Edition 2022.4.1
L-RJON-CD3JKX Production or nonproduction IBM Cloud Pak for Integration 2022.2.1
L-RJON-CJR2WN Production or nonproduction IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Reserved 2022.2.1
Note: Reserved or limited edition licenses do not include OpenShift entitlement. They are provided to organizations that have an existing Red Hat OpenShift entitlement or plan to use their license only on public cloud environments with managed OpenShift. Prior IBM approval is required.

What do you get with your purchase of Cloud Pak for Integration, and what is your entitlement?

IBM Cloud Pak for Integration offers a single, unified platform for integration, with a choice of integration offerings, which are built into a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to enable deployment by using Kubernetes features. The product is supported on both x86, Linux on Power, and Linux for IBM z.

The program contains bundled offerings that include:

  • IBM API Connect

  • IBM App Connect

  • IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server

  • IBM DataPower Gateway Virtual Edition

  • IBM Event Endpoint Management

  • IBM Event Streams

  • IBM MQ and IBM MQ Advanced

These offerings can be run in containers as a part of Cloud Pak for Integration running on OpenShift. Some (but not all) of these offerings can also be deployed as stand-alone deployments outside of Cloud Pak for Integration. For example, they can be installed and run on virtual machines. If deployed in this way, they are subject to the same license entitlements and restrictions, but license deployment may need to be tracked and reported separately. Not all offerings or capabilities of Cloud Pak for Integration are supported currently on Linux on Power or Linux on IBM Z. Licensing for Cloud Pak for Integration is by the VPC metric: either perpetual, monthly, or subscription. For more information about IBM perpetual, monthly, and subscription licenses, see Passport Advantage Licensing Overview.

When you deploy bundled offerings (such as API Connect, MQ, or Aspera) under the Cloud Pak for Integration license, you are not allowed to exceed the maximum entitlement at any time. Deployments can include a mix of different deployed offerings, either stand-alone, in Cloud Pak for Integration, or a combination of both. Customers can change the deployed offerings at any time, as long as they never exceed their maximum entitlement (as measured by IBM License Service or other licensing tools). Deployment of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is required for deployment of bundled offerings within Cloud Pak for Integration.

Differences in License terms

The license terms for Cloud Pak for Integration supersede the license terms of the bundled offerings. However, this policy applies only when there is a conflict of terms. Terms that apply to the bundled programs still apply, if not superseded. Examples of this situation are deployments of IBM App Connect that allow for instances to be deployed without charge for development use or unit/functional test use.

Note: All deployments of App Connect that are deployed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform must have sufficient entitlement for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cores that are used.

License ratios and entitlements

License ratios

Deployed instances of capabilities in Cloud Pak for Integration are charged at different rates based on their ratios. An example of ratio use that is provided in the Production License Ratio table is that 3 VPCs of Cloud Pak for Integration are required for 1 VPC of App Connect Enterprise deployment.

Entitlements of Cloud Pak for Integration that are used in these ratios can be reused in other ratios at any time, as long as the total entitlement is not exceeded. There is no limit to the number of times that entitlements can be used in different combinations.

Production License Ratio

Capability VPC ratio (capability : Cloud Pak for Integration)
App Connect Enterprise 1 : 3
API Connect 1 : 1
Event Endpoint Management 1 : 1
DataPower 1 : 1
MQ Advanced 2 : 1
MQ Advanced High Availability Replica 10 : 1
MQ Advanced Multi-instance Containers 5 : 3
MQ base 4 : 1
MQ High Availability Replica 20 : 1
MQ Multi-instance Containers 10 : 3
Event Streams 1 : 1
Aspera High Speed Transfer Server 1 Gbps 1 : 4
RPA Platform per Install 1 : 2
RPA Environment per Virtual Server 1 : 1
Capability Conversion entitlement ratio
Process Mining Process add-on 4 Processes : 1 VPC
Process Mining Events add-on 10 Million Events : 1 VPC
Process Mining Analyst User add-on 6 Authorized Users : 1 VPC
Process Mining Business User add-on 22 Authorized Users : 1 VPC
Task Mining Agent add-on 22 Concurrent Connections : 1 VPC
  • Process Mining Platform - Conversion Flat Entitlement: A customer with Cloud Pak for Integration entitlement is allowed to convert 3 VPCs of Cloud Pak for Integration for 1 installation of the Process Mining Platform. Regardless of the number of Cloud Pak for Integration entitlements, the customer is limited to a one-time listed conversion to provide entitlement to the Process Mining Platform.

  • With every installation of IBM Process Mining Platform, the customer gets entitlement to 3 Process Mining Processes, 20 Million Events, 1 Analyst User, 3 Business Users, and 2 Task Mining Agents.

Non-Production License Ratio

Capability VPC-to-license ratio
App Connect Enterprise 2 : 3
API Connect 2 : 1
Event Endpoint Management 2 : 1
DataPower 2 : 1
MQ Advanced 4 : 1
MQ Advanced High Availability Replica 20 : 1
MQ base 8 : 1
MQ High Availability Replica 40 : 1
MQ Multi-instance Containers 20 : 3
Event Streams 2 : 1
Aspera High Speed Transfer Server 1 Gbps 1 : 2

Components that consume Red Hat OpenShift and Cloud Pak for Integration entitlements

The following table explains which components consume OpenShift entitlement, Cloud Pak for Integration entitlement by using license ratios, or both:

Consumes Cloud Pak for Integration entitlement (uses license ratios, both production and nonproduction) Doesn’t consume Cloud Pak for Integration entitlement
Consumes OpenShift entitlement MQ Queue Managers, App Connect Server, API Connect, Event Streams, Event Endpoint Management, DataPower Virtual Server, and HA deployments of these capabilities Cloud Pak foundational services, Automation assets, Platform UI, Operations Dashboard (integration tracing). Optional: App Connect components (Designer, Dashboard, connectors), MQ components (MFT Agent, IPT, Explorer)
Doesn’t consume OpenShift entitlement Deployments of integration components outside of Cloud Pak for Integration OpenShift as Standalone deployments Init containers, control plane nodes, controller nodes, and infrastructure nodes (which run only OpenShift functions), "cold" DR deployments

Deployments of IBM API Connect (which always include deployments of IBM DataPower as the secure gateway runtime), sometimes report the DataPower instance to the License Service as "DataPower", not "API Connect". Because DataPower is deployed at the same ratio as API Connect, reporting the instance by a different name does not change the total VPCs reported.

Tip: App Connect flows that are created in App Connect Designer generate additional containers in the App Connect pod to support those flows. These additional pod containers increase the reported chargeable size. To ensure that the reported total reflects your actual usage, review the default container size for your deployment.

Noncharged entitlements for Cloud Pak for Integration

The deployment ratios apply to the bundled programs within Cloud Pak for Integration only. Additional Cloud Pak for Integration capabilities can be deployed without requiring Cloud Pak for Integration VPCs to be counted against their deployment. These include features such as Platform UI, Automation assets, and integration tracing.

Reporting on deployment inside and across OpenShift clusters

Products reporting that use the PVU metric

Customers with entitlements outside IBM Cloud Pak for Integration may have used licensing that uses PVUs and reporting deployments with IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) for subcapacity measurements.

ILMT keeps track of which software programs are deployed on particular physical hardware setups. It provides reporting for customers, so they can present reports to IBM when it they are requested in order to demonstrate compliance around entitlement capacity. See IBM License Metric Tool information for more details about how to use this tool.

IBM Cloud Pak for Integration reporting using the VPC metric

Deployments under IBM Cloud Pak for Integration entitlement can continue to be deployed on the same hardware, and in the same VMs as previously measured and reported with PVUs. Recent updates to ILMT now allow it to track deployments of software programs entitled under VPCs. ILMT should now be used to keep track of software deployed in VMs and entitled under VPCs.

For containers under IBM Cloud Pak for Integration VPC entitlements, the license service available to Cloud Pak deployments can be configured to report the deployments of each bundled offering in each container. It can also report the container size and how that relates—using the VPC-to-license ratio—to IBM Cloud Pak for Integration entitlements.

VPC consumption reporting

This deployment reporting is aggregated for each OpenShift cluster to provide a high-water mark of deployment to track against customer IBM Cloud Pak for Integration entitlements.

VPC consumption reporting

For more information about the IBM Cloud Platform License Service as used by deployments of IBM Cloud Pak for Integration, see IBM License Service.

Offering-specific licenses

Limited entitlement to IBM Spectrum Fusion for 12 months

Previous releases of Cloud Pak for Integration provided limited entitlement to IBM Spectrum Fusion (and before that, to IBM Storage Suite for Cloud Paks). These entitlements were "flat" entitlements—available only once, to customers making initial purchases of Cloud Pak for Integration.

Beginning with the release of version 2022.4.1, first-time purchases of Cloud Pak for Integration no longer come with limited entitlement to IBM Spectrum Fusion. However, if you do not already have that entitlement, you can get the equivalent limited entitlement through the trial version of IBM Spectrum Fusion (IBM Spectrum Fusion Starter).

IBM Spectrum Fusion Starter is available:

  • at zero cost, for 12 months.

  • as part number D0BVCZX.

  • with 6TB Primary Storage, including OpenShift Data Foundation Essentials, 6TB Data Protection, and 6TB Metadata Management.

Access to IBM Spectrum Fusion Starter is one entitlement per customer, with these restrictions:

  • The entitlement to OpenShift Data Foundation Essentials that is included in this offer cannot be used in a managed OpenShift environment on a public cloud.

  • If additional storage quantity is needed, or additional time is required, a new entitlement for IBM Spectrum Fusion must be purchased separately.

Note the following conditions for existing Cloud Pak for Integration customers:

  • If you had limited entitlement IBM Storage Suite for Cloud Paks through an earlier purchase of Cloud Pak for Integration, you are eligible to take advantage of this new trial version.

  • If you had limited entitlement to IBM Spectrum Fusion through a previous purchase of Cloud Pak for Integration, you can continue to use your existing entitlement, but you are not eligible to take advantage of this new trial version.

Whether you had previous limited entitlements to IBM Storage Suite for Cloud Paks or IBM Spectrum Fusion, you can continue to benefit from your existing limited entitlements, and those entitlements will continue until their entitlement period ends.

Limited entitlement to on-premises Instana monitoring

If you buy entitlement to Cloud Pak for Integration after the release announcement for version 2022.4.1—either as an initial purchase, or as an additional purchase of licenses—you get limited entitlement to on-premises (self-hosted) Instana monitoring. This entitlement requires you to deploy your own Instana Observability Server. The entitlement is limited to a reduced set of sensors, and for a 6-month period of use, starting from the time you request it.

Instana monitoring provides tracing and monitoring of integration capabilities that are deployed using the Cloud Pak for Integration license, whether the capabilities are deployed on OpenShift Container Platform or in other environments. Instana monitoring can be used on all Cloud Pak for Integration deployed entitlements—not only the additional, new entitlements of Cloud Pak for Integration that were purchased to provide the Instana entitlement, but also existing entitlements.

MQ Native HA deployments

When deploying MQ in containers under Cloud Pak for Integration licensing, you can choose the Native high-availability (HA) configuration for high availability. This option is designed for container deployments of MQ without external dependencies, such as shared storage or kernel modifications. When deployed in this configuration, an active MQ Queue Manager replicates to 2 additional Queue Managers, which are used only as replicas for this active Queue Manager.

Licensing for this configuration requires that the active Queue Manager be licensed using the MQ Advanced ratio. However, the replica Queue Managers do not require licensing, because they don't consume Cloud Pak for Integration VPCs at any ratio. By contrast, if Queue Managers are deployed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, all OpenShift cores require entitlement.

MQ Native HA can also be deployed in containers on other Kubernetes platforms. For more information, see Native HA.

MQ multi-instance deployments in containers

When deploying MQ in containers under Cloud Pak for Integration licensing, another option for high availability (HA) is "multi-instance queue managers":

  • This option is designed for deployments where an active MQ queue manager writes persistent messages and logging data to network-attached storage.

  • The active MQ queue manager has a lock on the network-attached storage.

  • A replica queue manager, which is connected to the same storage, is ready to take over in case of the failure of the active queue manager. This failure releases the storage lock and allows the replica queue manager to become the active queue manager.

When deploying MQ in multi-instance configurations outside of containers, the active queue manager is fully licensed by the regular MQ or MQ Advanced license, but the replica queue manager is licensed using the MQ HA Replica or MQ Advanced HA Replica part.

When deploying MQ in a multi-instance configuration in containers (under Cloud Pak for Integration licensing), a different approach is needed, because the replica queue manager is not tracked by the License Service. To ensure license consistency, the active queue manager uses a ratio that includes the licensing cost of the replica queue manager. To address this, the License Information document provides an option with a "Deployment model" called Multi-Instance Containers; select that option when deploying this type of configuration.

Aspera deployments and bandwidth entitlements

When deploying Aspera High Speed Transfer Server in a container in IBM Cloud Pak for Integration, the following entitlement enables the use of Aspera High Speed Transfer Server at a bandwidth speed of 1 Gigabit per second:

  • For a production deployments, 4 VPCs of Cloud Pak for Integration.

  • For nonproduction deployments, 2 VPCs of Cloud Pak for Integration.

Aspera High Speed Transfer Server must be deployed in a container within the OpenShift Container Service environment that supports Cloud Pak for Integration. The customer must have sufficient OpenShift entitlement for deployment in this container.

Deployments of Aspera High Speed Transfer Server in OpenShift containers now benefit from the support of the Aspera Proxy Gateway, which can be deployed without any additional license entitlement.

For deployments of Aspera High Speed Transfer Server outside Cloud Pak for Integration containers, the entitlement ratio remains the same as for deployment in containers, and is also fixed at a bandwidth speed of 1 Gigabit per second:

  • For production use of stand-alone Aspera High Speed Transfer Server, 4 VPCs of Cloud Pak for Integration.

  • For nonproduction use of stand-alone Aspera High Speed Transfer Server, 2 VPCs of Cloud Pak for Integration.

Note that bandwidth measure is used to represent the value provided by Aspera High Speed Transfer Server, rather than the ratio of Cloud Pak for Integration VPCs to deployment cores of Aspera High Speed Transfer Server.

API Connect entitlements

The "API Connect Enterprise" license provides entitlement to the full API Connect product and tracks usage by the number of installed VPCs.

Tip: When configuring a new instance of the API management capability in the Platform UI, enter VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_CORE (not VPC) in the License metric field that is in the License section.

The "IBM Cloud Pak for Integration - API Calls" is an add-on that entitles you to track usage by the monthly number of API calls instead of the number of installed VPCs. Customers need to track and report the number of API Calls made each month. The entitlement is counted on a month-by-month basis rather than being averaged or aggregated over the period of the subscription license. For more information, see Tracking API volume for auditing and compliance.

For more information, see API Connect licenses in the API Connect documentation.

DataPower Gateway

The "IBM DataPower Gateway Virtual Edition - Production Edition" license is included in Cloud Pak for Integration. While you are able to deploy a gateway instance in either production or nonproduction mode, a production image will always be deployed which is specific to Cloud Pak for Integration. This means that the licensing metrics and annotations on the gateway pods will always reflect the production edition, even if deployed in nonproduction usage. However, the Cloud Pak ratio does change depending on the license usage. When production is chosen as the license usage, the ratio is 1:1 for VPCs. When nonproduction is chosen as the license usage, the ratio is 2:1 for VPCs.

A custom datapower-cp4i image is always used when a gateway instance is created within Cloud Pak for Integration, including when used as an API runtime within API Connect. This datapower-cp4i image is based on the datapower-prod (production) image, and also includes the Integration Module. For more information, see Cloud Pak for Integration: Gateway runtime. In addition to the Integration Module, customers using DataPower with Cloud Pak for Integration entitlements are entitled to use the Application Optimization Module and the B2B Module at no additional charge.

Operations Dashboard add-on part

Operations Dashboard is now deprecated. Customers should not plan to use Operations Dashboard in any new deployments. No further entitlements of the unrestricted Operations Dashboard part will be sold.

If you already purchased the Operations Dashboard add-on part to remove the restrictions around data retention and other aspects fo the capability, this will continue to be honored.

Customers wanting to use the unrestricted Operations Dashboard need to buy sufficient VPCs of the Operations Dashboard add-on part to match the number of VPCs of the bundled program or programs with which they are using the Dashboard. They don’t need to buy VPCs equal to their total Cloud Pak for Integration VPC entitlement if they are not using the Dashboard with some of their deployed bundled programs (production or non-production).