Changing the Cloud Pak administrator access credentials
You can update the Cloud Pak administrator username and password.
Before you begin
Install the OpenShift client.
Install Platform UI (ibm-zen-operator) service.
Ensure that you must have Cluster administrator access to update the Cloud Pak administrator username and password.
Supported languages
You can change the default administrator username admin
to a custom username. The username can be in the following languages:
Language | Language code |
Brazilian Portuguese | pt_br |
English | en |
French | fr |
German | de |
Italian | it |
Japanese | ja |
Korean | ko |
Chinese Simplified | zh_CN |
Chinese Traditional | zh_TW |
Spanish | es |
Changing the Cloud Pak administrator username
Complete the following steps to rename a default admin user in Platform UI:
Review the current admin and password.
oc -n ibm-common-services get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o yaml | grep admin |xargs -l bash -c 'echo -n "$0 " ; echo "$1" | base64 -d && echo'
The sample output:
admin_password: IRXkjnsZg8nUUK8S2BBVFJeIOW0wVrhD admin_username: admin
Run the
login command from any server that has access to your cluster whereoc
clients are installed.cloudctl login -a https://`oc get routes |grep -i cp-console | awk '{print $2}'` -u <username> -p <password> --skip-ssl-validation -n ibm-common-services
Note: If you are unable to use the
as a user due to LDAP conflicts, you can use the cluster admin users, for example,kubeadmin
. -
password management (pm) command to change your username and to restart deployments. For example:cloudctl pm update-secret ibm-common-services platform-auth-idp-credentials -d admin_username=<username>
Update the
role-based access control (RBAC) object with the new username.oc edit clusterrolebinding oidc-admin-binding
Following is a sample
RBAC object:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: creationTimestamp: 2019-02-04T18:44:34Z name: oidc-admin-binding resourceVersion: "3162" selfLink: /apis/ uid: eab9c9c9-28ac-11e9-aca2-0050569a1e29 roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: cluster-admin subjects: - apiGroup: kind: User name: <=========== - apiGroup: kind: User name: admin <===========
- Replace the admin name in
with the new name. - Change
. - Replace the admin name in
name: admin
with the new name. - Change
name: admin
toname: <new admin user name>
. For example, updating tocpadmin
.subjects: - apiGroup: kind: User name: <=========== - apiGroup: kind: User name: cpadmin <===========
- Replace the admin name in
Save the file.
Wait for few minutes for the
pod containers to start. Check the pod status.oc get pods -n ibm-common-services
If the pod status shows as
, then proceed with the next step.
If you see an error similar to the following error, then log in to your cluster again and reverify the pod status. The status might show asRunning
.Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "admin" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "ibm-common-services"
Validate the new user name.
login using the new user name. In the following code, NewUsername specifies the new user name and password specifies the admin password.
cloudctl login -a https://`oc get routes -n ibm-common-services |grep -i cp-console | awk '{print $2}'` -u <NewUsername> -p <password> --skip-ssl-validation -n ibm-common-services
- Test using the browser to login to the cp-console.
oc get routes -n ibm-common-services |grep -i cp-console
Adding Platform UI user by using the Platform UI token
To add users to the Platform UI, see Managing console acces.
Administration panel with the zen-cpp-operator
extension installed.
Get the Cloud Pak Platform route for accessing the common landing page by running the following command:
oc get route -n ibm-common-services cpd -o jsonpath='{}' && echo
The response is your <https://<cluster_address>. <cluster_address> is the Cloud Pak Platform route.
Sample output:
Use this URL for Zen-url in the command of Step 3.
tokens to get IAM access token.cloudctl tokens
Note: When you use
cloudctl tokens
, you see the generated tokens. Keep a copy of the tokens. Do not runcloudctl logout
command as it revokes the token. -
Use the following command to get platform UI token (Zen_TOKEN) by using IAM token.
curl -k X GET '<Zen-url>/v1/preauth/validateAuth' \ -H "username: admin" \ -H "iam-token: <iam-token>"
It is valid only when Platform UI (ibm-zen-operator) service is installed. Use the token for ZEN_TOKEN in the command of Step 4.
Use the following command to add new user to Platform UI.
curl --location --request POST 'https://ZEN_URL/usermgmt/v1/user' --header 'Authorization: Bearer ZEN_TOKEN' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "username": "newuser", "displayName": "UserFirstName UserLastName", "email": "", "user_roles": [ "zen_administrator_role", "zen_user_role" ] }
Disable the default admin after you add new user to Platform UI. For more information, see Disabling the default admin user.
Note: If you cannot login Platform UI with new username, see Cannot login Platform UI with CloudPak administrator username.
Changing the Cloud Pak administrator password
The Cloud Pak administrator password is stored in a Kubernetes Secret. cloudctl has a command to change the password and restart services that use the password.
To change your password run the following command:
cloudctl pm update-secret kube-system platform-auth-idp-credentials -d admin_password
The password must follow the defined password rules.
Password rules
Password rules are optional, regular expressions (regex) that are used to set and validate managed password values within a namespace. The update-secret
command checks password rules before changing the values in the secret. It
validates if rules exist on the namespace that the secret is in, and that the secret data element name change contains pass
or pwd
in any case combination.
Note: You can use the following regex expressions from the command line. Ensure that you wrap the expressions in single quotation marks:
Rule | Regex |
Min length 10 | ^.{10,} |
Max length 10 | ^.{0,10}$ |
Length range | ^.{10,20}$ |
Require lower | .*[a-z].* |
Require upper | .*[A-Z].* |
Require num | .*[0-9].* |
Require spec | .*[!@#$%^&*].* |
To list the password rules, run the following command:
cloudctl pm password-rules <namespace>
The rules are listed similar to the following example,
cloudctl pm password-rules default
Name Description Regex
min10 minimum length 10 ^.{10,}
If you want to change the password rules, you can run the following command:
cloudctl pm password-rule-set <namespace> <rule_name> <rule_regex> <rule_desc>
For example,
cloudctl pm password-rule-set default min_10 '^.{10,}' "minimum length of 10"
If you need to remove the password rule, run the following command:
cloudctl pm password-rule-rm <namespace> <rule_name>
For example,
cloudctl pm password-rule-rm default min_10