Store status
The store status section contains several pages that show store (Elasticsearch) statistics and potential problems, and also allow you to generate debug data and delete stored data.
Store status
The store status pages include the cluster status, nodes info, nodes health, and pending tasks.
The cluster details section shows the store cluster status. When the status is not "GREEN", new spans may be discarded and access to existing tracing data may be limited. This section also shows the timestamps for the oldest and newest stored spans, and the total number of stored spans.
The index sets, nodes information, nodes health, and pending tasks sections provide various diagnostics information and statistics about the store, which you may be asked to provide when opening a support ticket.
Debug log
This page is used to output spans in JSON format. For example, you may be asked to provide a single trace export to IBM Support for further analysis of an issue.
Apply filters to show spans of specific criteria, only (such as Trace ID), and click the Copy button on the top-right corner of the output to copy the output to the clipboard.
Data deletion
This page allows you to manually delete stored data from the system:
Tracing service data - Rarely used. Delete it when instructed by IBM Support.
Tracing span data - Deletes all stored spans.
Static data - Rarely used. Delete it when instructed by IBM Support.
User behavior - Deletes all user search history, which is used to show suggestions in the Web Console when adding and editing filters.
Internal operations - Rarely used. Delete it when instructed by IBM Support.