Using the Platform UI
Learn about administrative actions and advanced configuration options for the Platform UI.
Access control
For information on identity and access management, such as authenticating users against an existing LDAP user registry, see Identity and access management.
Advanced configuration options
Custom resource values
The following table lists the configurable parameters and default values for the custom resource.
Parameter | Description | Default |
apiVersion |
The API version that identifies which schema is used for this Platform UI | |
kind |
Resource type | PlatformNavigator | |
Unique short name by which the Platform UI can be identified | integration-quickstart |
metadata.namespace |
Namespace (project) in which the integration server is installed | |
spec.license.accept |
An indication of whether the license should be accepted. Valid values are true and false . To install, this value must be set to true. |
false |
spec.mqDashboard |
Whether the MQ Grafana dashboard will be deployed as part of this Platform UI release. | true |
spec.replicas |
Number of replica pods to run for each deployment | 1 | |
Name of selected storage class | |
spec.version |
The Platform UI product version. Specify with a channel or a fully qualified version. | The latest channel. |
spec.nodeSelector |
Configures on which nodes the pods will run. Specify each nodeSelector as a key/value pair in the format nodeSelectorKey: nodeSelectorValue . |
spec.labels |
Specify one or more custom labels (as classification metadata) to apply to each pod that is created during deployment. Specify each label as a key/value pair in the format labelKey: labelValue . The custom labels that you specify will be merged with the default (generated) labels. If duplicate label keys are detected, the custom value overwrites the default value. |
spec.annotations |
Specify one or more custom annotations (as arbitrary metadata) to apply to each pod that is created during deployment. Specify each annotation as a key/value pair in the format annotationKey: annotationValue . The custom annotations that you specify will be merged with the default (generated) annotations. If duplicate annotation keys are detected, the custom value overwrites the default value. |
spec.resources |
This section defines all the the minimum and upper limits of resources allocated for running the container. For CPU values, specify integer, fractional (for example, 0.5), or millicore values (for example, 100m, equivalent to 0.1 core). For memory values, specify integers with one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K, or specify on eof these power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki. | |
spec.template |
This section allows users to customize the kubernetes resources deployed by the operator. The configuration found within the block will be superimposed on the reconciled K8S resource the operator would have generated had the template block not existed, following the logic defined for a strategic merge patch in the kubernetes documentation. | |
spec.requestIbmServices |
Control the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services requested by the Platform UI using key/value pairs in the format where key is a string and value is a boolean. Valid keys are monitoring , licensing , and metering . |
spec.loggingUrl |
Enables usage of a custom logging stack. Must be a fully-specified URL. | |
status.conditions |
Returns information on the current condition of the Platform UI instance | |
status.customImages |
Confirms whether the Platform UI instance is using a non-standard image for its front-end or back-end | |
status.endpoints |
Returns the endpoints being exposed by the Platform UI instance | |
status.metadata |
Returns metadata for Platform UI instance | |
status.versions |
Returns the current version of the Platform UI instance, as well as the versions available for upgrade |
Shows how to use the nodeSelector section in the Platform UI spec to configure the nodes where the deployment will run.
key1: value1
key2: value2
Shows how to use the labels section in the Platform UI spec to apply labels to the deployment.
key1: value1
key2: value2
Shows how to use the annotations section in the Platform UI spec to apply annotations to the deployment.
key1: value1
key2: value2
Shows how to use the resources section in the Platform UI spec to allocate resource requests and limits.
cpu: '1'
memory: 512Mi
cpu: '0.25'
memory: 256Mi
cpu: '1'
memory: 512Mi
cpu: '0.25'
memory: 256Mi
Shows how to use the template section in the Platform UI spec to customize the containers.
- image: placeholder
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: ibm-cp4i-prod-navigator
- image: placeholder
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: ibm-cp4i-prod-services
- ibm-entitlement-key
- other-key
Shows how to use the requestIbmServices
section in the Platform UI spec to control the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services requested.
monitoring: true/false
licensing: true/false
Shows how to use the loggingUrl
section in the Platform UI spec to enable usage of a custom logging stack.
loggingUrl: ""
Setting the token for session timeout
You can set the length of the Platform UI session before it times out. For more information, see Setting the token for Platform UI session timeout.
Required cluster-scoped permissions
For information on cluster-scoped permissions for the Cloud Pak for Integration operator, see Cluster-scoped permissions required by the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration instance.
Logging out of the Platform UI
To log out of the Platform UI click the user menu icon in the top banner, and then click Log out: