Assess your readiness
At the start of your transformation journey, assess your current readiness for adopting IBM® Cloud Pak for Integration.
As an initial step, it is important to establish which versions of IBM Integration Bus or IBM App Connect Enterprise are supported for migration into a containerized environment, and which features are unsupported. Options are available for refactoring some of the unsupported features before you attempt to migrate.
Supported versions for migration
To migrate to a containerized environment, you must be running IBM App Connect Enterprise 11 or 12.
If you are using IBM Integration Bus 10 or earlier, you must first migrate to IBM App Connect Enterprise 11 or 12 before attempting to migrate to containers. For more information, see the Migrating section in the IBM App Connect Enterprise version 11 or version 12 documentation.
Unsupported features for migration
The following features in IBM App Connect Enterprise are not supported for migration to containers:
- Integration nodes
- .NetCompute and .NetInput message flow nodes
- CDInput and CDOutput message flow nodes
- Embedded global cache
- Globally coordinated message flows
- Business transaction monitoring
Integration nodes
The concept of using an integration node to manage a set of associated integration servers is not applicable in a containerized environment. If you are intending to run IBM App Connect Enterprise in containers, you can deploy your applications to independent integration servers without the need to create and configure an integration node.
In the containerized environment, you deploy integration servers by using broker archive (BAR) files, which package the message flows and resources in your IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit integrations. For more information, see App Connect Integration Server reference and Deploying Designer and Toolkit integrations to integration servers.
.NetCompute and .NetInput message flow nodes
The .NetCompute and .NetInput message flow nodes, which are built-in Transformation nodes in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, are supported on Windows only. Therefore, they are not supported in a containerized environment, which runs on Linux® only. BAR files that are exported for any integration servers with these message flow nodes are not supported for import and deployment to containers.
CDInput and CDOutput message flow nodes
In the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, the built-in CDInput and CDOutput message flow nodes provide file transfer support through integration with IBM Sterling® Connect:Direct®. These nodes require IBM MQ to be installed on the same computer as your integration server, to control the storage queues that hold file transfer information.
To use the capabilities that are provided by these nodes in a containerized environment, a local IBM MQ queue manager would be required to run in the same pod as the integration server, which isn't supported.
Embedded global cache
The embedded global cache is supplied with IBM App Connect Enterprise to store data that you want to reuse within and between integration servers. The global cache is implemented by using WebSphere® eXtreme Scale technology, which provides resiliency by hosting a known number of catalog and container servers in a fixed topology. This is not compatible with the ephemeral nature of containers running in elastically scaled cloud environments such as Kubernetes. Therefore, WebSphere eXtreme Scale does not support running the catalog or container server components in containerized environments such as Kubernetes, Docker, or Podman. As a result, IBM App Connect Enterprise does not support the embedded global cache when running an integration server in a containerized environment.
- Client connection to an external IBM App Connect Enterprise or WebSphere eXtreme Scale instance
The embedded global cache supports
connections to an external IBM App Connect Enterprise on-premises system or an external WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid when running in a container. You can implement this hybrid topology as follows:- You can host your global cache components (catalog and container servers) in integration servers in an external IBM App Connect Enterprise on-premises system. In the containerized environment, an integration server can then be configured (via its server.conf.yaml file) to connect to the external cache by using a client connection. For an example of how this hybrid topology can be configured, see Hybrid Integration Use Case: How to Refactor Global Cache Topology When Adopting App Connect on IBM Cloud Pak for Integration.
- You can host your global cache components in integration servers on an external WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid; that is, a separate WebSphere eXtreme Scale installation or appliance. In the containerized environment, an integration server can then be configured to host the WebSphere eXtreme Scale client. For information about using an external grid, see WebSphere eXtreme Scale grids and Differences between the embedded global cache and an external WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid.
- Extended Structured Query Language (ESQL) shared variables
With an embedded global cache, you can use Mapping nodes or JavaCompute nodes to store and retrieve data in a map in the global cache. To provide a supported alternative for containers, you can use the Compute node and ESQL shared variables to implement an in-memory cache in an integration server's message flow:
- Edit the relevant message flow to replace the Mapping or JavaCompute node with the Compute node.
Configure access to a database from the Compute node, code ESQL statements with appropriate long-lived ESQL data types to cache data in memory, and then set properties for the Compute mode and for message validation. For more information, see ESQL overview and Long-lived variables.
- Disable the global cache by updating the integration server's server.conf.yaml file. For more information, see Configuring the embedded global cache.
The Using a Compute node to access a Lookup table stored in a shared variable in memory tutorial in the IBM App Connect Enterprise documentation provides guidance on how to access in-memory ESQL shared variables by using a Compute node.
Restriction: With the ESQL solution, the cache can be used by a single integration server only rather than shared between integration servers.
- Edit the relevant message flow to replace the Mapping or JavaCompute node with the Compute node.
- Java™ HashMap-based caching by using the embedded local cache
Supported on integration servers at version or later
You can configure the embedded local cache to allow flows that contain cache lookups to run within containers. When using the embedded local cache, a Java HashMap is used as the underlying storage for the map instead of a WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid, so the embedded local cache is scoped to a single integration server. Each integration server has its own in-memory copy of the cache, and updates that are made in one integration server are not reflected in any other integration servers. Cache transactions are also not supported when using the embedded local cache. For more information, see the Using the embedded local cache section in Embedded global cache, and Accessing the global cache by using a JavaCompute node.
Globally coordinated message flows
In message flows that are configured to process messages in globally coordinated transactions, coordination is provided by an external transaction manager. The transaction manager interacts with participating resource managers to initiate the correct actions for each resource. In IBM App Connect Enterprise deployments on distributed systems, a local IBM MQ queue manager needs to be configured as the transaction manager and associated with an integration node that manages the message flows. Because integration nodes are not supported in a containerized environment, globally coordinated transactions are therefore also not supported. BAR files that are exported for any integration servers that include globally coordinated message flows are not supported for import and deployment to containers.
For more information, see Message flow transactions and Configuring global coordination of transactions (two-phase commit) in the IBM App Connect Enterprise documentation.
Business transaction monitoring
The business transaction monitoring capability in IBM App Connect Enterprise, which enables you to track and report the lifecycle of a payload message through an end-to-end enterprise transaction, is not supported in a containerized environment.