Finding and applying your entitlement key by using the UI (online installation)

The IBM Entitled Registry contains software images for the capabilities in IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration. To allow the Cloud Pak for Integration operators to automatically pull those software images, you must first obtain your entitlement key, then add your entitlement key in a pull secret.

This task is performed by using the UI (including the OpenShift console).

Obtaining your entitlement key

  1. Go to the Container software library.
  2. Click Copy key.
  3. Copy the entitlement key to a safe place so you can use it when you add the pull secret in the next section.
  4. (Optional) Verify the validity of the key by logging in to the IBM Entitled Registry by using a container tool.
    docker login --username cp --password entitlement_key

Applying the pull secret

Your entitlement key must be added to the cluster as a pull secret to deploy Cloud Pak for Integration capabilities. You can either add a pull secret to each namespace you plan to use for Cloud Pak for Integration capabilities, or add a global pull secret, which enables deployment of Cloud Pak for Integration capabilities in all namespaces.

Adding the pull secret to a namespace by using the OpenShift web console

This task must be performed by an automation administrator.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift web console and select the Administrator perspective (if not selected by default).
  2. In the left navigation, click Workloads > Secrets.
  3. Ensure that the Project is set to the namespace where you intend to install Cloud Pak for Integration capabilities.
    If you installed the operators in All namespaces on the cluster mode, you must use a project other than openshift-operators in which to deploy the instance.
    • If needed, create a new project for this purpose. Under Home > Projects, click Create Project, enter the name for your new project, and click Create.

    For more information about permitted namespaces, see Guidelines for installing operators.

  4. Click Create and select Image pull secret.
  5. Set the following parameters for the secret:
    Parameter Value
    Secret name ibm-entitlement-key
    Authentication type Image registry credentials
    Registry server address
    Username cp
    Password Value of the entitlement key you copied when you obtained your entitlement key.
    Email (Optional value)
  6. Click Create to create the secret.

Adding a global pull secret for all namespaces

This task must be performed by a cluster administrator. For more information, see Roles and permissions

Note: The following procedure cannot be used on an OpenShift cluster that is on IBM Cloud.

To add a pull secret for the whole cluster, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the OpenShift web console console and select the Administrator perspective (if not selected by default).
  2. In the navigation pane, click Workloads > Secrets.
  3. Ensure that the Project is set to openshift-config.
  4. In the Secrets pane, find and click pull-secret in the list of secrets.
  5. Click to expand Actions, then click Edit Secret.
  6. In the list of credentials, scroll to the end of the page and click Add credentials.
  7. Enter these values in the following fields:
    • Registry server address field -
    • Username field - cp
    • Password field - the entitlement key you obtained in the first procedure on this page
  8. Click Save.

    This update triggers a restart of all your cluster's nodes. It may take up to an hour for the change to take effect, depending on your cloud provider and the size of your cluster.

  9. In the navigation menu, click Compute > Nodes to confirm the progress of the update.

    When all the nodes have the value Ready in the Status column, your global pull secret is applied.