Policy project configuration

A policy project contains policies to control the behavior of the message flows and message flow nodes at run time. It is created in the IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit alongside other artifacts such as the message flows.

A policy project can be placed in the same BAR file as the associated message flows, in which case you do not need to create a configuration object when creating an integration server in a containerized environment. If you want to use the BAR file and policy project separately, such as for reuse across multiple integration servers, then you can create a configuration object of type Policy project. You will need to create a ZIP file that contains the entire contents of a policy project, including the folder that has the policy project name. The policy project will be located in your IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit workspace.

You are required to create a ZIP file and a Policy project configuration object type for each policy project that you want to use with your integration server.

  • If you are creating the configuration object by using the Red Hat® OpenShift® web console or CLI, you will need to run a Base64 encoder against your ZIP file and use the output as the value of the spec.data parameter in the configuration custom resource. For more information, see Creating a configuration object.
  • If you are using the App Connect Dashboard, you can create the configuration object from the Configuration page or while creating the integration server, as described in Configuration types for integration servers.

For more information about this configuration type, see Policy project type.