Uninstalling the IBM Aspera HSTS operator using the OpenShift CLI
You can use the OpenShift CLI to uninstall the IBM HSTS operator.
Before you begin
Log in to your OpenShift cluster by using the oc login
- To uninstall the IBM HSTS operator by using the CLI, follow these steps:
- Ensure you are in the correct project:
oc project <project_name>
- View the HSTS instances that are installed in the
oc get IbmAsperaHsts
- Delete the instance of
oc delete IbmAsperaHsts <project_name>
- Get the ClusterServiceVersion instance. From the output, save the
NAME, as you need this value for the next
oc get csv
- Delete the HSTS operator. Make sure you add the name of the
ClusterServiceVersion you got in the output of the previous
oc delete csv ibm-aspera-hsts-operator.v1.5.0
- Get the subscription:
oc get subscription
- Delete the subscription:
oc delete subscription aspera-hsts-operator