Automation assets deployment

IBM Automation foundation assets (Automation assets) is a capability that lets you store, manage, and share integration assets.

Automation assets enables teams to share and reuse integration assets across capability instances. For example, you can import an OpenAPI specification asset within the IBM API Connect user interface.

Assets can be located in remote repositories, such as Git. This feature allows users to take advantage of the versioning capability offered by the remote repository. Assets that are stored in a remote repository are read-only. For more information, see Using Automation assets.

Four sample custom resources are available for installation, and two of these resources include AI-enabled features. Some of these samples have configurable parameters for differences in resource usage (such as CPU, memory, and storage).

Resource usage

Starting with version 2022.2.1-9, there are two updates:

  • Experimental Flow Generator resources are no longer deployed as part of an AI-enabled Automation assets deployment. The flow-generation experience can be accessed online. For more information, see Experimental Flow Generator.

  • A single-instance deployment of Automation assets can now be configured to use ReadWriteOnce (RWO) storage classes, allowing deployment in clusters that have no access to ReadWriteMany (RWX) storage.

Planning for deployment

Automation assets is designed to be a single place for sharing assets across your entire Cloud Pak installation.

Observe the following guidelines:

  • Deploy Automation assets operator at the same scope and namespace as the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration operator.

  • You can only have one deployed instance of Automation assets per instance of the Platform UI. Any attempt to create a second instance will fail.


To deploy Automation assets, use one of the following procedures:

What's next?

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