Enabling open tracing for API management
Enable open tracing for API Connect so that you can monitor the API management capability with the Operations Dashboard in IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration.
Before you begin
Verify that the Operations Dashboard is installed.
Note: Open tracing is not supported when API management is deployed on Linux for IBM Z.
- Change to the namespace where you installed API Connect to support the API management capability.
Update the API Connect Cluster CR and add an
section:- Access the instance by clicking Installed Operators > IBM API Connect > API Connect Cluster > instance > YAML.
In the
section, add the following statements to thegateway
section:The image paths shown in the example apply to the current release, so you can copy the entire
section:openTracing: imageAgent: >- cp.icr.io/cp/icp4i/od/icp4i-od-agent:2.6.6-amd64@sha256:c1d4c1af871e3acf03c58f3cc84e81bd605de6f03ceef94ec9d891694cc14037 imageCollector: >- cp.icr.io/cp/icp4i/od/icp4i-od-collector:2.6.6-amd64@sha256:c32850f264246937450415843e90da2fa222e53cc3b32897b6be0f5cc3d874b2 odTracingDataHostname: od-store-od.tracing.svc odTracingNamespace: operations-db odTracingRegistrationHostname: icp4i-od.tracing.svc
For a list of the open tracing mappings for each 2022 release, see Open Tracing image mapping per release.
The following example shows the updatedgateway
section.Important: You must manually change the value ofspec.license.accept
or the deployment will fail.apiVersion: apiconnect.ibm.com/v1beta1 kind: APIConnectCluster metadata: annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: > {"apiVersion":"apiconnect.ibm.com/v1beta1","kind":"APIConnectCluster","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"apic","namespace":"apic"},"spec":{"appVersion":"","license":{"accept":true,"use":"nonproduction"},"profile":"n3xc4.m16"}} creationTimestamp: '2021-12-15T18:31:50Z' generation: 5 name: apic namespace: apic resourceVersion: '15638661' selfLink: /apis/apiconnect.ibm.com/v1beta1/namespaces/apic/apiconnectclusters/apic uid: 6b62f622-6b4e-4030-981f-1713a9c3db33 spec: appVersion: gateway: adminUser: {} apicGatewayPeeringTLS: {} apicGatewayServiceTLS: {} gatewayEndpoint: {} gatewayManagerEndpoint: {} openTracing: imageAgent: >- cp.icr.io/cp/icp4i/od/icp4i-od-agent:2.6.6-amd64@sha256:c1d4c1af871e3acf03c58f3cc84e81bd605de6f03ceef94ec9d891694cc14037 imageCollector: >- cp.icr.io/cp/icp4i/od/icp4i-od-collector:2.6.6-amd64@sha256:c32850f264246937450415843e90da2fa222e53cc3b32897b6be0f5cc3d874b2 odTracingDataHostname: od-store-od.tracing.svc odTracingNamespace: operations-db odTracingRegistrationHostname: icp4i-od.tracing.svc imagePullSecrets: - ibm-entitlement-key - ibm-entitlement-key imageRegistry: cp.icr.io/cp/apic license: accept: false metric: VirtualProcessorCore use: nonproduction profile: n3xc4.m16
- Save your changes.
Register API Connect with the Operations Dashboard:
- Click Operations Dashboard > Manage > Registration Process.
- Approve the request, and then follow the instructions to create the necessary secret.
Verify that the API Connect Gateway pod now includes 3 containers, which indicates that tracing
is now enabled.
See the
pod in the following example:oc get pods -n apic NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE apic-a7s-client-84c6f5f984-thzjd 1/1 Running 0 14d apic-a7s-ingestion-676b486477-2zbs8 1/1 Running 0 14d apic-a7s-mtls-gw-bb54f54c-lp97f 1/1 Running 0 14d apic-a7s-storage-coord-7c8789cc8c-gnhlb 1/1 Running 0 14d apic-a7s-storage-data-0 1/1 Running 0 14d apic-a7s-storage-master-0 1/1 Running 0 14d apic-configurator-6rxhn 0/1 Completed 0 14d apic-gw-0 3/3 Running 0 3m36s apic-gw-datapower-monitor-76ffdf6cb5-c5spx 1/1 Running 0 4m22s apic-gw-od-registration-job-chbpd 0/1 Completed 0 3h47m