Upgrading Automation assets

Automation assets is a capability in IBM Automation that allows IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration users to store, manage, and retrieve assets. For more information about this capability, see Automation assets deployment.

Note: Before version 2021.1, Automation assets was called "Asset Repository".

For upgrades from Asset Repository 2020.4, see Cloud Pak for Integration 2021.1.

For upgrades from Asset Repository 2020.3, see Cloud Pak for Integration 2020.4.

Upgrading the Asset Repository involves updating:

  1. The Asset Repository operator, using Operator Lifecycle Manager.

  2. The operator channel, in the OpenShift console.

  3. The operand, either automatically or manually.

Upgrading the operator

The Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) attempts to upgrade an operator when a new version is available to the cluster. If the operator subscription is set to Automatic approval, no action is required. Otherwise, approve the InstallPlan created by OLM to upgrade the operator.

To approve the InstallPlan click the Upgrade available link adjacent to the Automation assets operator. You are prompted to click Preview Install Plan and then Approve.

Upgrade available

Upgrading the operator channel

To upgrade the operator channel, go to the OpenShift console, select the Channel field from the Subscription Details section for the Automation assets operator, and change to the new channel. This manual step is required, even when automatic upgrades are configured.

Updating the custom resource

Update the AssetRepository custom resource (installed instance). When Automation assets was installed, the update function may have been configured to either happen automatically, or be done manually. In a situation where an upgraded Automation assets operator might support new versions:

  • If your CR spec.version is set to use a channel, and the operator supports a newer version in that channel, your Automation assets deployment is automatically upgraded.

  • If your CR spec.version is set to use a specific version, upgrade your instance by updating the spec.version in the AssetRepository CR.

Updating the operand in Platform Navigator

Go to the Integration capabilities section of the Platform Navigator, which includes your instance. If your instance can be upgraded, you see a blue information icon that indicates there are new versions available.

New Version

To update the version and license of your operand, click the three-dot icon to see available options for editing the CR.

Updating the operand in the OpenShift Console

Navigate to Installed Operators > IBM Automation foundation assets operator > Asset Repository tab in the OpenShift console. You should see your operand. Click your instance and navigate to the YAML tab, where you can edit the CR spec and update the license and version.

Rolling back operand versions

Roll back to a previous version of the operand with one of these methods (similar to upgrade):

  • Update spec.version in the AssetRepository CR.

  • Use the Platform Navigator.

Manually backing up and restoring your data

Before upgrading, you can choose to migrate information assets to your new installation.

  1. Back up your data. Choose which information assets you want to migrate:

    • Remote assets - Navigate to the Remotes screen and note down all remote configurations (git urls, asset types, and so on).

    • Local assets - Delete all remotes so that only local assets remain, then navigate to the Browse Assets screen and download each asset in the list.

  2. Install the 2021.2.1 Automation assets.

    To install the 2021.2.1 Automation assets deployment, follow the procedure in Installation.

  3. Restore your data.

    • Remote assets - Navigate to the Remotes screen and recreate all the remotes using the configuration noted down in the backup stage. See Remotes for more details.

    • Local assets - Navigate to your Automation assets instance Browse Assets screen and use Add assets to upload all the assets downloaded in the backup stage.