Preparing to migrate from API Connect V10

Deploy Cloud Pak for Integration with an API management instance and plan your migration.

Plan your migration

  1. Review the V10 migration overview and V10 migration requirements to understand the high-level migration process and the system requirements for migration.
  2. Plan for downtime.

    If you are migrating to a new cluster using new host names, you can maintain both deployments in parallel (a side-by-side migration). The only downtime needed is when you alter the load balancer/DNS to direct API traffic to new gateways in your Cloud Pak for Integration deployment.

    If you are migrating to Cloud Pak for Integration directly on your existing V10 deployment, you will retain the existing host names. A minimal amount of downtime is required when you restart the apiconnect operator pod so that it can recognize the Cloud Pak for Integration environment and reconcile the subsystems.

Deploy Cloud Pak for Integration and an API management instance

  • If you are converting your existing OpenShift-based API Connect V10 deployment to a Cloud Pak for Integration deployment, review Migrating from OpenShift to Cloud Pak for Integration on the same cluster in the API Connect documentation before installing Cloud Pak for Integration.

    In this scenario you do not need to migrate any data, but you must complete some steps to covert the deployment to use Cloud Pak for Integration configurations.

  • If you are migrating to a new cluster using new host names, you must migrate your data, but you can deploy Cloud Pak for Integration before beginning the migration process.

For information about installing the Cloud Pak for Integration framework and an API management instance (which provides the API Connect features), see the Installation section of this documentation.