Managing your APIs
API management features are provided by IBM API Connect, which makes it easy to create APIs and manage their lifecycles.
In API Connect, users typically manage the API life cycle by completing tasks that are based on the following roles:
API Connect admin: manage the API Connect environment and users
Configure resources, set up notifications, manage users, and control security.
- Manage authentication and security by creating user registries to control access to API Connect
- Create provider organizations to manage teams that develop and manage APIs and related assets
- Monitor the on-premises server cloud to review API event data and log information about customer calls to APIs
API Developer: create, secure, and test APIs
Create new APIs and updates existing APIs as needed. The API developer can configure policies that define security restrictions, logging rules, and quotas that control access to your company’s resources.
- Work with the toolkit where you can create APIs using the command-line interface
- Create or import an API using REST or SOAP
- Use policies and logic constructs to make your APIs even more powerful
- Secure an API with security components in the API definition
- Test an API and debug its operations to ensure that it executes properly
- Exercise an API by sending guided, random requests using AutoTest Assist
API Administrator: manage API publication and security
Manage API publication and security with development catalogs, access gateways, OAuth, and execution policies to control access to your APIs and back-end systems.
- Create catalogs and spaces where APIs are developed and maintained
- Manage API security by configuring TLS profiles and OAuth providers
- Bundle APIs into products and publish them
Product Manager: manage API products and consumer relationships
Manage API products with a Developer Portal where you can make them available to application developers, and review API event analytics so you can monitor API usage and performance.
- Set up a Developer Portal where you can share API products with your consumers
- Create consumer organizations and manage their access to your Developer Portal and API products
- Use analytics to understand your API usage to collect API event data