Configuring replication using shell scripts

You can configure Q Replication and create replication sets. These replication sets are a collection of table subscriptions, that store metadata regarding which tables to replicate from source site to target site.


  1. From the source site's infra Node/Bastion server, login inside Q Replication pod, to add a target site:
    namespace=<names of your namespace> ;
    db2uinstName= <name of your Db2 instance>  ;
    kubectl exec -it -n  $namespace  $(kubectl -n $namespace get po | grep $db2uinstName |grep qrep  | awk '{print $1}' )  bash ;
    Once inside QRep container, switch user to dsadm
    su - dsadm ;
    cd $BLUDR_HOME/scripts/bin ;
  2. Check if there are any existing target sites already added to the source site. Run the script and select option 1.
  3. To communicate securely using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) the bludr REST API server, Q Replication IBM Message Queue Capture/Apply, and Db2 server must exchange SSL certificates. To perform this action, run the script and select option 2.
  4. Add the target site to your source site. Run the script and select option 3.
    Note: To add the destination site, following information is required:
    • Target Infra/Bastion hostname
    • Target REST external Port
    • Target database hostname
    • Target external database SSL Port
    • Target database name
    • Target database replication user
    • Target database replication password
    • Target data replication environment

    When selecting the target data replication, you have the following options:

    • IIAS for Sailfish/IIAS Environment.
    • DB2WH for Db2 Warehouse private Environment
    • DB2WOC for Db2 Warehouse on Cloud Generation 2
    • DB2U-DB2OLTP for Cloud Pak for Data Db2 Universal Db2 Online Transaction Processing
    • DB2U-DB2WH for Cloud Pak for Data Db2 Universal Db2 Warehouse
    • DB2U-SA-DB2OLTP for Standalone Db2 Universal Db2 Online Transaction Processing
    • DB2U-SA-DB2WH for Standalone Db2 Universal Db2 Warehouse
  5. List the current replication sets added to the source site. Run the script and select option 1.
  6. Create a new empty replication set on your source site. Run the script and select option 5.
    Note: To create a new replication set , following information is required:
    • Target database hostname
    • Target external database SSL Port
  7. Add tables to your replication set:
    1. Create an input file with table information:
      cd $HOME cat > input_schema_table_filename.txt 
    2. Run the script and enter the complete file path for the input file. For example: /mnt/qrepdata/home/dsadm/input_schema_table_filename.txt
    Note: When running this step, the interactive prompts the following option:

    Do you want to load all tables added to replication? (y/n)

    • Option 'y' indicates that you want Q Replication to perform the initial load of tables from source site to target site.
    • Option 'n' indicates that you want to automatically start replication for all the tables.