Post-migration tasks (IBM Knowledge Catalog)

After you successfully migrated your data and processes from InfoSphere Information Server to Cloud Pak for Data, you must complete post-migration tasks.

Configuring IBM Db2 for z/OS connections

To be able to work with migrated connections for the IBM Db2 for z/OS connector, complete the following steps:
  1. Import the following JAR files to Cloud Pak for Data:
    • db2jcc4.jar
    • db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar

    See Importing JDBC drivers for the procedure and required permissions.

  2. If the port that is used in the connection is configured to accept SSL connections, edit the connection and paste the certificate into the SSL Certificate box.

Adjusting certain migrated data quality rules

Certain data quality rules in a data quality project will not be valid after the migration. This means that users will need to re-implement the data quality rules after the migration. These data quality rules must be re-implemented:
  • Rules that contain joins implemented using the same dataset
  • Rules with missing bindings

Resetting the expiry time for tokens

If a token expiry time was already set before you changed it as part of the setup tasks (see Increasing the expiry time for tokens), reset the token expiry time and token refresh period to its original values. If no token expiry time or token refresh period was set before, remove the TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME and TOKEN_REFRESH_PERIOD setting entirely.
  1. Run one of the following commands for the TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME:
    • To revert the TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME setting to its original value, run this command:
      oc patch configmap product-configmap --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --type=merge --patch="{\"data\": {\"TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME\": \"<original_value>\"}}"
      Where <original_value> is the value that was set before the migration.
    • To remove the TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME setting, run this command:
      oc patch configmap product-configmap --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --type='json' --patch='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/data/TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME"}]'
  2. Run one of the following commands for the TOKEN_REFRESH_PERIOD:
    • To revert the TOKEN_REFRESH_PERIOD setting to its original value, run this command:
      oc patch configmap product-configmap --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --type=merge --patch="{\"data\": {\"TOKEN_REFRESH_PERIOD\": \"<original_value>\"}}"
      Where <original_value> is the value that was set before the migration.
    • To remove the TOKEN_REFRESH_PERIOD setting, run this command:
      oc patch configmap product-configmap --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --type='json' --patch='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/data/TOKEN_REFRESH_PERIOD"}]'
  3. Restart the usermgmt pods by running the following command:
    oc delete pods --namespace=${NAMESPACE} -l component=usermgmt

Reconciling OpenIGC flows

If your data contains OpenIGC flows and you want them to be properly displayed after migration, you must reconcile them and resync the catalog metadata so that OpenIGC flows match the imported data again.
  1. Find the name of the import pod:
    IMPORT_POD=`oc get pods -n ${NAMESPACE} | grep cpd-im | awk -F " " '{print$1}' | xargs -L 1 oc logs -n ${NAMESPACE} | grep "job pods:" | awk -F [ '{print$3}' | awk -F ] '{print$1}'`
    echo $IMPORT_POD
  2. Run the reconciliation. In the command, replace values as follows:
    • <import_pod_ name> is the pod name that you retrieved in the previous step.
    • <target_catalog_id> is the ID of the catalog to which your data was imported.
    oc debug ${IMPORT_POD} -n ${NAMESPACE} -- bash -c "/migration/utils/ ${CATALOG_ID}"
  3. Resync the target catalog's metadata:
    1. Edit the wkc-search-lineage-cronjob CronJob:
      oc edit cj wkc-search-lineage-cronjob
    2. Find the following section and enter the catalog ID as value in the brackets:
      - name: dbs_to_sync` 
       `value: '[]'
      For example:
      - name: dbs_to_sync`
       `value: '[bbf325c5-3452-440b-81c1-8b68eaafa5e5]'
    3. To resync the data, run the following command:
      oc create job --from=cronjob/wkc-search-lineage-cronjob lineage-job

Reverting configuration changes

Revert all configuration changes that you made for the migration. Follow the instructions in the Reverting configuration changes for Migration section in the support document Migration from IBM InfoSphere Server to IBM Knowledge Catalog: Applying patches and toolkit to a new IBM Knowledge Catalog 4.8.x or 5.0.x installation (Part 2 of 2).

Removing the import jobs and the export instance

You will need to clean up the service environment after the migration.

Complete these steps to remove the import jobs and export instance:
  1. Run the following command to remove the import job for the migration:
    cpd-cli export-import import delete --profile=${PROFILE_NAME} ${IMPORT_INSTANCE_NAME}
  2. Run the following command to remove the export instance for the migration:
    cpd-cli export-import export delete --profile=${PROFILE_NAME} --purge ${EXPORT_INSTANCE_NAME}
  3. Run the following commands to find and delete the kubernetes job that was created for the import:
    oc get jobs -n ${NAMESPACE} | grep legacy-migration-import-job
    oc delete job <job_name>
    Replace job_name with the job name returned by the first command.