Managing security for your Watson Speech services datastores
You can manage the access credentials for your PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ datastores by creating secrets objects for each datastore. You can create the credentials before you install Watson Speech services or update them after installation. You can also rotate your credentials for added security. Creating secrets objects for your datastores is optional. Secrets are generated automatically during installation if you do not create your own.
- Permissions you need for these tasks:
- You must be an administrator of the Red Hat® OpenShift® project to manage the cluster.
Datastore management topics
For information about creating secrets objects for your datastores before you install Watson Speech services, see:
For information about creating secrets objects for your datastores after you install Watson Speech services, see:
You can also use the information in the second topic to rotate the credentials for your datastores at any time after installation.
To modify your datastores, you edit your custom resource. For more information, see Editing the custom resource.
Creating secrets objects for your datastores before you install the Speech services
To access the PostgreSQL or RabbitMQ datastore, the installation reads credentials from a secret. By default, the installation creates objects that contain randomly generated password when you install the Speech services. However, you can use the instructions in the following sections to create the secrets for authentication with the datastores before you install the Speech services:
- Creating a secrets object for your PostgreSQL datastore
- Creating a secrets object for your RabbitMQ datastore
- Creating a secrets object for your PostgreSQL datastore
PostgreSQL object storage is used to store persistent data that is needed by the Speech services microservices. For information about the data that PostgreSQL stores, see Configuring the PostgreSQL datastore.
To specify the security secrets for the PostgreSQL datastore, create a YAML file (for example,
) that has the following contents:apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: metadata: name: <speech-cr>-postgres-auth-secret namespace: <namespace> data: password: <base64-encoded-password> username: cG9zdGdyZXM=
Use the following steps to specify the values for the secrets object:
Set the value of the
property in the YAML file to<speech-cr>-postgres-auth-secret
to match the default name that is used for the propertyglobal.datastores.postgres.authSecretName
in the Speech services custom resource. You must use this value for thename
property when you create the secrets before installation. -
Set the value of the
property to the name of the project (the namespace) where you plan to install the Speech services. -
Create a
and encode the value in base64. The following command encodes the valuepassword1234
in base64. Use a different value for thepassword
that you encode.echo -n "password1234" | base64 cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM0Cg==
Set the value of the
property tocG9zdGdyZXM=
, which ispostgres
in base64. Do not change this value.
To create the secrets object from the YAML file, run the following command, whereuser-provided-postgressql.yaml
is the name of the YAML file that you created for the secrets object:kubectl create -f user-provided-postgressql.yaml
- Creating a secrets object for your RabbitMQ datastore
The RabbitMQ datastore handles non-persistent message queuing for the Speech to Text asynchronous HTTP microservice (
). It is used only if thesttAsync
microservice is installed and enabled. For information about the RabbitMQ datastore, see Configuring the RabbitMQ datastore.To specify the security secrets for the RabbitMQ datastore, create a YAML file (for example,
) that has the following contents:apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: <speech-cr>-ibm-rabbitmq-auth-secret data: definitions.json: <base64-encoded-definitions> rabbitmq-erlang-cookie: <base64-encoded-cookie> rabbitmq-management-password: <base64-encoded-management-password> rabbitmq-password: <base64-encoded-admin-password>
Use the following steps to specify the values for the secrets object:
Set the value of the
property in the YAML file tospeech-cr-ibm-rabbitmq-auth-secret
to match the default name that is used for the propertyglobal.datastores.rabbitMQ.authSecretName
in the Speech services custom resource. You must use this value for thename
property when you create the secrets before installation. -
Create a
(management password) andrabbitmq-password
(admin password) and encode the values in base64. The following example encodes the stringrabbitmq123
in base64:echo -n "rabbitmq123" | base64 cmFiYml0bXExMjM=
This procedure uses the same password for
. You can use different values for the two passwords. If you do, you must base64-encode both passwords, you must specify the encoded values for the appropriate properties of the YAML file, and you must specify the correct values for the management and admin passwords in the value for thedefinitions.json
property in the following step. -
Create the following base64-encoded value for the
property. In the command, replacerabbitmq123
with the unencoded management and admin passwords that you created in the previous step.echo -n {users: [{name: management, : rabbitmq123, tags: management}, \ {name: admin, password: rabbitmq123, tags: administrator}], vhosts: [{name: /}], \ permissions: [{user: admin, vhost: /, configure: .*, read: .*, write: .*}], \ parameters: [], policies: [{name: ha-all, pattern: .*, vhost: /, definition: \ {ha-mode: all, ha-sync-mode: automatic, ha-sync-batch-size: 1}}], queues: [], \ exchanges: [], bindings: []} | base64
The command generates a long base64-encoded value. The following example uses line breaks to make the encoded value readable, but the value that you generate is a single string that you must include on a single line for the
property.e3VzZXJzOiBbe25hbWU6IG1hbmFnZW1lbnQsIHBhc3N3b3JkOiByYWJiaXRtcTEyMywgdGFnczogbWFuYWdlbW VudH0sIHtuYW1lOiBhZG1pbiwgcGFzc3dvcmQ6IHJhYmJpdG1xMTIzLCB0YWdzOiBhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yfV0s IHZob3N0czogW3tuYW1lOiAvfV0sIHBlcm1pc3Npb25zOiBbe3VzZXI6IGFkbWluLCB2aG9zdDogLywgY29uZm lndXJlOiAuKiwgcmVhZDogLiosIHdyaXRlOiAuKn1dLCBwYXJhbWV0ZXJzOiBbXSwgcG9saWNpZXM6IFt7bmFt ZTogaGEtYWxsLCBwYXR0ZXJuOiAuKiwgdmhvc3Q6IC8sIGRlZmluaXRpb246IHtoYS1tb2RlOiBhbGwsIGhhLX N5bmMtbW9kZTogYXV0b21hdGljLCBoYS1zeW5jLWJhdGNoLXNpemU6IDF9fV0sIHF1ZXVlczogW10sIGV4Y2hh bmdlczogW10sIGJpbmRpbmdzOiBbXX0=
Generate a random 32-character value for the
. The Erlang cookie is a string of alphanumeric characters that is used for communication between nodes in a RabbitMQ cluster and by different RabbitMQ command-line tools. Base64-encode the value for the cookie.openssl rand -base64 32 DNk2rpcm5tTlH0477/O71V/b4dITZHt4cNsjZ6JNDH0=
An example of the YAML file that is created by these steps follows. The example uses the same encoded value for the
and therabbitmq-password
properties. As mentioned previously, you can use different values for the two passwords, and the value for thedefinitions.json
property must appear on a single line.apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: <speech-cr>-ibm-rabbitmq-auth-secret data: definitions.json: e3VzZXJzOiBbe25hbWU6IG1hbmFnZW1lbnQsIHBhc3N3b3JkOiByYWJiaXRtcTEyMywgdGF nczogbWFuYWdlbWVudH0sIHtuYW1lOiBhZG1pbiwgcGFzc3dvcmQ6IHJhYmJpdG1xMTIzLCB0YWdzOiBhZG1pbmlzdH JhdG9yfV0sIHZob3N0czogW3tuYW1lOiAvfV0sIHBlcm1pc3Npb25zOiBbe3VzZXI6IGFkbWluLCB2aG9zdDogLywgY 29uZmlndXJlOiAuKiwgcmVhZDogLiosIHdyaXRlOiAuKn1dLCBwYXJhbWV0ZXJzOiBbXSwgcG9saWNpZXM6IFt7bmFt ZTogaGEtYWxsLCBwYXR0ZXJuOiAuKiwgdmhvc3Q6IC8sIGRlZmluaXRpb246IHtoYS1tb2RlOiBhbGwsIGhhLXN5bmM tbW9kZTogYXV0b21hdGljLCBoYS1zeW5jLWJhdGNoLXNpemU6IDF9fV0sIHF1ZXVlczogW10sIGV4Y2hhbmdlczogW1 0sIGJpbmRpbmdzOiBbXX0= rabbitmq-erlang-cookie: DNk2rpcm5tTlH0477/O71V/b4dITZHt4cNsjZ6JNDH0= rabbitmq-management-password: cmFiYml0bXExMjM= rabbitmq-password: cmFiYml0bXExMjM=
To create the secrets object from the YAML file, run the following command, whereuser-provided-rabbitmq.yaml
is the name of the YAML file that you created for the secrets object:kubectl create -f user-provided-rabbitmq.yaml
Updating secrets objects for your datastores after you install the Speech services
When you install Watson Speech services, you can either create your own credentials before installation or let the service create them for you during installation. You can update the access credentials for your datastores at any time after you install Watson Speech services.
The following procedure documents how to re-create the secrets objects for both datastores at once. But you can update the secrets objects individually if you want. (Rather than duplicate information, the steps rely on other procedures from the documentation.)
You can follow this same procedure to rotate the credentials for your datastores. You can create new secrets objects on a periodic basis to provide greater security for your datastores.
Back up the Speech service using the methodology described in Backing up and restoring Cloud Pak for Data. Store the backups in a safe location.
Shut down the Watson Speech services by adding a property to the custom resource. Edit the custom resource by using the following command:
Add the
shutdown: true
property beneath thespec
tag:spec: shutdown: true
Save the change to the custom resource.
Wait for the Watson Speech services to shut down. To check the status of the services, enter the following command:
oc get watsonspeech ${CUSTOM_RESOURCE_SPEECH} -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} \ -o 'jsonpath={.status.speechStatus}'
The services are shut down when the command returns the status
.Use the procedures in the previous sections to create new secrets objects for the datastores:
- Creating a secrets object for your PostgreSQL datastore
- Creating a secrets object for your RabbitMQ datastore
To preserve the existing objects, choose new names for the secrets objects. If you use new names, you must update the
property for each datastore in the custom resource.Note: Change the names of only the passwords and secrets. Do not change the usernames that are associated with those passwords and secrets.Restart the Watson Speech services by reverting the previous shutdown step. Edit the custom resource by using the following command:
Change the value of the property that you added previously to
shutdown: false
:spec: shutdown: false
Save the change to the custom resource.
Wait for the Watson Speech services to restart. To check the status of the services, enter the following command:
oc get watsonspeech ${CUSTOM_RESOURCE_SPEECH} -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} \ -o 'jsonpath={.status.speechStatus}'
The services are running again when the command returns the status
. Use the
commands described in Creating a service instance for Watson Speech services programmatically to ensure that the Watson Speech services are functional and that all previous data is intact and reachable.
If you used new names for the secrets objects and you no longer need the old objects, you can delete them by running the following command once for each object. In the command, <auth-secret-name> is the name of the secrets object that you want to delete.
oc delete secret <auth-secret-name> -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}>