Db2® on Cloud Pak for Data

Version: 4.8.5    Premium   IBM


IBM Db2 provides advanced data management and analytics capabilities for transactional workloads. Db2 has no processor, memory, or database size limits, which makes it ideal for any size workload. The Db2 service enables you to create these databases in your IBM Cloud Pak for Data cluster so that you can govern the data and use it for more in-depth analysis. Using the Db2 operator and containers in Cloud Pak for Data, you can deploy Db2 by using a cloud-native model, providing these values:

  • Lifecycle management: Similar to a cloud service, it's easy to install, upgrade, and manage Db2.
  • Ability to deploy your Db2 database in minutes
  • A rich ecosystem: Data Management Console, REST
  • Extended availability of Db2 with a multi-tier resiliency strategy
  • Support for software-defined storage such as OCS and IBM Spectrum Scale CSI.

Integrating a Db2 database with IBM Cloud Pak for Data can be useful in the following situations:

  • You need your transactional data to be governed, such as data from a website, bank, or retail store.
  • You want to create a replica of your transactional database so that you can run analytics without impacting regular business operations.
  • You need to ensure the integrity of your data by using an ACID-compliant database.
  • You need a low-latency database.
  • You need real-time insight into your business operations.

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Integrated services

Table 1. Related services. The following related services are often used with this service and provide complementary features, but they are not required.
Service Capability
IBM® Db2 Data Management Console Administer, monitor, manage, and optimize the performance of your IBM Db2 databases.
IBM Knowledge Catalog Create catalogs of curated assets with this secure enterprise catalog management platform that is supported by a data governance framework.
Watson™ Studio Prepare, analyze, and model data in a collaborative environment with tools for data scientists, developers, and domain experts.