Creating administration scripts for Cognos Analytics
Create administration scripts to manage deployments and to shutdown or restart Cognos Analytics.
- Create the script to manage deployments.
The script is a file with the following contents:
#!/usr/bin/env bash # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # IBM Cognos Products: ca # # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2023 # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set -e function usage { echo $0: usage: $0 [-h] -c command -d deployment -n namespace [-t tethered_namespace] -u user -p password } function help { usage echo "-h prints help to the console" echo "-c command one of list, download, upload or delete" echo "-d deployment deployment (not required for list)" echo "-n namespace namespace or project" echo "-t tethered_namespace tethered namespace or project" echo "-u user CP4D user name" echo "-p password CP4D user password" echo echo "Examples:" echo echo "./ -c list -n cpd-instance -t cat1 -u admin -p ***" echo "./ -c upload -n cpd-instance -t cat1 -u admin -p *** -d" echo "./ -c download -n cpd-instance -t cat1 -u admin -p *** -d" echo "./ -c delete -n cpd-instance -t cat1 -u admin -p *** -d" echo exit 0 } while getopts ":hc:d:n:t:u:p:" opt; do case ${opt} in h) help ;; c) deployment_cmd=$OPTARG ;; d) deployment=$OPTARG ;; n) namespace=$OPTARG ;; t) tethered_namespace=$OPTARG ;; u) user_name=$OPTARG ;; p) user_password=$OPTARG ;; \?) usage exit 0 ;; esac done jq --version if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "jq is a requirement please install" exit 1 fi if [ -z ${deployment_cmd} ]; then echo "A deployment command must be provided" help fi case ${deployment_cmd} in list|upload|download|delete) ;; *) echo "Unknown command: ${deployment_cmd}" help esac if [ -z ${namespace} ]; then echo "A namespace must be provided" help fi if [ -z ${tethered_namespace} ]; then tethered_namespace=${namespace} echo "A tethered namespace has not been provided, defaulting to ${tethered_namespace}" fi if [ -z ${user_name} ]; then echo "A user name must be provided" help fi if [ -z ${user_password} ]; then echo "A user password must be provided" help fi if [ "${deployment_cmd}" != "list" ]; then if [ -z $deployment ]; then echo "A deployment must be provided" help fi fi # Get CPD route and URLs cpd_route=$(oc get route -n ${namespace} | grep 'cpd.*ibm-nginx' | awk '{print $2}') cpd_url="https://"${cpd_route} echo "CP4D URL: ${cpd_url}" cpd_authurl=${cpd_url}/icp4d-api/v1/authorize deployments_url=${cpd_url}/cognosanalytics/${tethered_namespace}/artifacts/v1/deployments # Get CPD bearer token cpd_bearer="$( curl -s -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{ \"username\":\"${user_name}\", \"password\":\"${user_password}\" }" "${cpd_authurl}" | jq -r '. | .token' )" jwt_token="Authorization: Bearer ${cpd_bearer}" case ${deployment_cmd} in list) curl --silent "${deployments_url}" -H "${jwt_token}" -k | jq '.[]' echo ;; upload) if [ -r ${deployment} ]; then echo "Uploading ${deployment} ..." curl --silent -X POST -L "${deployments_url}" -H "${jwt_token}" -F "fileName=@${deployment}" -k echo else echo "Unable to read deployment: ${deployment}" exit 1 fi ;; download) deployment_id=$(curl --silent "${deployments_url}" -H "${jwt_token}" -k | jq -r ".[] | select(.deploymentFileName == \"${deployment}\") | .id") echo "id: ${deployment_id}" if [ -z ${deployment_id} ]; then echo "Unable to find deployment ${deployment}" exit 1 else echo "Downloading ${deployment} ..." wget -O ${deployment} --header="${jwt_token}" --no-check-certificate -nc --no-use-server-timestamps "${deployments_url}/${deployment_id}" fi ;; delete) deployment_id=$(curl --silent "${deployments_url}" -H "${jwt_token}" -k | jq -r ".[] | select(.deploymentFileName == \"${deployment}\") | .id") echo "id: ${deployment_id}" if [ -z ${deployment_id} ]; then echo "Unable to find deployment ${deployment}" exit 1 else echo "Deleting ${deployment} ..." curl --request DELETE "${deployments_url}/${deployment_id}" -H "${jwt_token}" -k fi ;; esac
- Create the script to shut down or restart Cognos
The script is a file with the following contents:
#!/usr/bin/env bash # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # IBM Cognos Products: ca # # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2022, 2023 # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # set -e #set -x restart_flag="false" shutdown_flag="true" check_status="" function usage { echo $0: usage: $0 [-h] -t tethered_namespace [-r] } function help { usage echo "-h prints help to the console" echo "-t tethered_namespace tethered namespace to shutdown/restart (required)" echo "-r restart (default: shutdown)" echo "" exit 0 } while getopts ":ht:r" opt; do case ${opt} in h) help ;; t) tethered_namespace=$OPTARG ;; r) restart_flag="true" shutdown_flag="false" ;; \?) usage exit 0 ;; esac done if [ -z ${tethered_namespace} ]; then echo "A tethered namespace must be provided" help fi cr_name=$(oc -n ${tethered_namespace} get caserviceinstance --no-headers -o if [ -z ${cr_name} ]; then echo "Unable to find the CR for Cognos Analytics in this tethered namespace." exit 1 fi # Patch shutdown option into CR if [ "${restart_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo "Restarting ${cr_name} ..." oc patch caserviceinstance ${cr_name} --type merge -p "{\"spec\":{\"shutdown\":\"false\"}}" -n ${tethered_namespace} check_status="Completed" fi if [ "${shutdown_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo "Shutting down ${cr_name} ..." oc patch caserviceinstance ${cr_name} --type merge -p "{\"spec\":{\"shutdown\":\"true\"}}" -n ${tethered_namespace} check_status="shutdown" fi sleep 10 # Checking status of ca shutdown action for i in {1..240};do caStatus=$(oc get caserviceinstance ${cr_name} -o jsonpath="{.status.caStatus}" -n ${tethered_namespace}) if [[ ${caStatus} == ${check_status} ]];then echo "${check_status} Successfully" break elif [[ ${caStatus} == "Failed" ]];then echo "${caStatus}!" exit 1 fi echo "Status: ${caStatus}" sleep 30 done