Restoring Watson Studio

The following cleanup procedures are required before restoring Watson Studio: deleting install jobs and deleting artifacts related to any active environments or running jobs. The procedures are applicable to both Portworx and NFS.

Deleting install jobs

These Kubernetes jobs are created during the installation of Watson Studio, Watson Machine Learning, or Watson Knowledge Catalog. They might have already been deleted, but if they weren't, delete them now. The job names are:

  • dsx-requisite-pre-install-job
  • change-pvc-permissions
  • dsx-userhome-pre-install-job
  • usermgmt-ldap-sync-cron-job
  • zen-requisite-job
  • pv-prep-job

You can copy the following code sample into a script file to delete these jobs:

jobsToDelete=("dsx-requisite-pre-install-job" "change-pvc-permissions" "dsx-userhome-pre-install-job")
for job in ${jobsToDelete[@]}; do
  oc delete job $job