Connecting Db2 Big SQL to a Hadoop cluster with a manually managed Kerberos configuration

To connect Db2® Big SQL to a Cloudera Hadoop cluster that is secured by Kerberos when the Kerberos configuration is not managed by Cloudera Manager, you must update the Db2 Big SQL secret after you provision a Db2 Big SQL instance.


  1. Log in to your OpenShift® cluster as a project administrator:
    oc login <OpenShift_URL>:<port>
  2. Change to the project where the Cloud Pak for Data control plane is installed:
    oc project ${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE}
    Note: This command uses an environment variable so that you can run the command exactly as written. For information about sourcing environment variables, see Setting up installation environment variables.
  3. Get the Db2 Big SQL secret:
    export bigsqlSecret=$(oc get secret | grep bigsql-secret | awk '{print $1}')
  4. Convert the Kerberos configuration file to a secret:
    export secret=$(base64 krb5.conf | awk ' { secret = secret $0 }; END { print secret } ')
  5. Update the Db2 Big SQL secret with the Kerberos secret:
    oc patch secret $bigsqlSecret --patch '{"data": {"krb5-conf": "'$secret'"}}'
  6. Update the Db2 Big SQL secret with the Kerberos krbPrincipal.
    Note: Adjust the Kerberos admin principal to match the principal in your environment.
    oc patch secret $bigsqlSecret --patch '{"data": {"krbPrincipal": "'$(printf 'root/admin@IBM.COM' | base64)'"}}'
  7. Update the Db2 Big SQL secret with the Kerberos password.
    Note: Adjust the Kerberos admin password to match the password in your environment.
    oc patch secret $bigsqlSecret --patch '{"data": {"krbPassword": "'$(printf 'admin' | base64)'"}}'
  8. Get the Db2 Big SQL custom resource name:
    export cr_name=$(oc get cm bigsql-db2-big-sql-1-cm -o --no-headers=true)
  9. Trigger the refresh of the Hadoop configuration:
    oc patch bigsql $cr_name --patch '{"spec": {"hadoopCluster": {"generation": 2}}}' --type merge
  10. Wait until Db2 Big SQL is in a Ready state:
    oc get bigsql
  11. Restart the Db2 Big SQL instance:
    oc exec -it c-$cr_name-db2u-0 -- su - db2inst1 -c 'bigsql stop; bigsql start'