Viewing Db2 log files

In general, there are two categories of Db2 log files, container logs and Db2 diagnostic logs.


  1. To view Db2 container log files, do the following:
    1. Get the names of all Db2 database service pods:
      kubectl -n <namespace> get po --selector type=engine
    2. Use kubectl logs to view the Db2 database container logs:
      kubectl -n <namespace> logs <Db2 engine POD name> | more -
  2. To view Db2 diagnostic log files, do the following:
    1. Exec into the Db2 pod.
    2. Go to the Db2 diagnostic logs folder /mnt/blumeta0/db2/log/.
      Tip: The OS environment variable DIAGPATH defines the Db2 diagnostic logs folder.
    3. Sort all the db2diag.*.log files by timestamp and view/tail the most recent one:
      ls -latr ${DIAGPATH}/db2diag.*.log