Deploy etcd packaged by Bitnami for Db2 Warehouse

You can choose to deploy the etcd store that is packaged by Bitnami to enable automated failover for your Db2 Warehouse on Red Hat® OpenShift® HADR deployment. The Bitnami-packaged etcd store option provides the minimum installation that you need.

Before you begin

To complete the steps, Helm is required.


For a minimum required installation, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the Helm repository:
    helm repo add bitnami
  2. Install etcd by using Helm:
    helm install etcd-hadr-test bitnami/etcd --set auth.rbac.create=False --set replicaCount=3 --namespace <namespace where db2wh is deployed>

    This command deploys an etcd store with three replicas and create a etcd-hadr-test service endpoint that is to be used for configuring HADR.

    For more information, see etcd packaged by Bitnami.