Setting up IBM Storage Scale storage

If you decide to use IBM® Storage Fusion or IBM Storage Scale Container Native for persistent storage, you must create a storage class with the appropriate settings for use with IBM Cloud Pak® for Data.

Installation phase
You are not here. Setting up a client workstation
You are not here. Collecting required information
You are here icon. Preparing your cluster
You are not here. Installing the Cloud Pak for Data platform and services
Who needs to complete this task?
A cluster administrator or a storage administrator must complete this task.
When do you need to complete this task?
If you plan to use IBM Storage Scale storage and you do not have a storage class that meets the required criteria, you must complete this task before you install IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

About this task

The storage class must have read, write, and execute permissions on the local file system.

Remember: Storage classes are cluster-wide resources.


  1. Log in to your cluster as a user with sufficient permissions.
  2. Set the following environment variables:
    Variable Notes
    FILE_SYSTEM_NAME Specify the name of the file system that is mounted by the IBM Storage Fusion or IBM Storage Scale Container Native cluster.
    IBM Storage Fusion
    Run the following command to get the name of the file system on your Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform cluster:
    oc exec $(oc get pod -o name -l \
    -n ibm-spectrum-scale |head -1) -n ibm-spectrum-scale \
    -c gpfs -- mmlsfs all -T
    IBM Storage Scale Container Native
    Run the following command to get the name of the file system on your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster:
    oc exec $(oc get pod -o name -l \
    -n ibm-spectrum-scale |head -1) -n ibm-spectrum-scale \
    -c gpfs -- mmremotecluster show

    To set this environment variable, run the following command.

    export FILE_SYSTEM_NAME=<file-system-name>

    Replace <file-system-name> with the appropriate value for your environment.


    Specify the ID of the remote storage cluster.

    IBM Storage Fusion
    Run the following command to get the cluster ID:
    oc get daemons ibm-spectrum-scale -n ibm-spectrum-scale \
    -o jsonpath='{.status.clusterID}'
    IBM Storage Scale Container Native
    Run the following command on the remote IBM Storage Scale cluster to get the cluster ID:

    To set this environment variable, run the following command.

    export REMOTE_STORAGE_CLUSTER_ID=<cluster-id>

    Replace <cluster-id> with the appropriate value for your environment.

  3. Create the storage class.

    The following sample includes the minimum required information for the storage class. Review Storage Class in the IBM Storage Scale Container Native documentation for additional options.

    cat <<EOF |oc apply -f -
    kind: StorageClass
      name: ibm-spectrum-scale-sc
      volBackendFs: "${FILE_SYSTEM_NAME}"
      clusterId: "${REMOTE_STORAGE_CLUSTER_ID}"
      shared: "true"
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    allowVolumeExpansion: true

What to do next

Now that you've created the storage class, you are ready to complete Setting up projects (namespaces) on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.