Configuring Watson OpenScale after installation

You can configure Watson OpenScale by enabling a horizontal pod autoscaler and by scaling out Watson OpenScale services and ETCD manually.

Enabling a horizontal pod autoscaler

IBM Cloud Pak® for Data supports scaling out during deployment, which means that to enable a horizontal autoscaler for Watson OpenScale, you must enable it when it is installed. It cannot be enabled after installation. For the steps to enable the horizontal pod autoscaler, see Scaling services. The following additional parameters for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for Watson OpenScale are available:

Table 1. Additional parameters for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Prefix/Suffix minReplicas maxReplicas targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Description
bias.autoscaling 1 1 80 Bias service
commonApi.autoscaling 1 1 80 Common API service
configuration.autoscaling 1 1 80 Configuration service
dashboard.autoscaling 1 1 80 Dashboard service
datamart.autoscaling 1 1 80 Datamart service
explainability.autoscaling 1 1 80 Explainability service
fastpath.autoscaling 1 1 80 Fast Path service
feedback.autoscaling 1 1 80 Feedback service
mlGatewayDiscovery.autoscaling 1 1 80 ML Gateway Discovery service
payloadLogging.autoscaling 1 1 80 Payload Logging service
payloadLoggingApi.autoscaling 1 1 80 Payload Logging Api service
scheduling.autoscaling 1 1 80 Scheduling service

Scaling out Watson OpenScale services manually with the kubectl commands

The following Watson OpenScale services and their default replicas are available:

Table 2. Watson OpenScale services and replicas
Deployment Names Default Replicas Description
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-bias 1 Bias service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-common-api 1 Common API service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-configuration 1 Configuration service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-dashboard 1 Dashboard service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-datamart 1 Datamart service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-explainability 1 Explainability service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-fast-path 1 Fast Path service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-feedback 1 Feedback service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-ml-gateway-discovery 1 ML Gateway Discovery service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-payload-logging 1 Payload Logging service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-payload-logging-api 1 Payload Logging Api service
aiopenscale-ibm-aios-scheduling 1 Scheduling service

Scaling out ETCD manually with the kubectl commands

You should not scale out to an even number of ETCD pods. Currently, ETCD has 3 pods. If you are using manual storage provisioning, you must manually create persistent volumes required for the new ETCD pods that you want to scale out.

To scale out, use either the kubectl scale or kubectl patch commands as shown in the following code samples:

kubectl -n <namespace> scale StatefulSets aiopenscale-ibm-aios-etcd --replicas=<number of replicas>


kubectl -n <namespace> patch StatefulSets aiopenscale-ibm-aios-etcd -p '{"spec":{"replicas":<number of replicas>}}'


kubectl -n aiopenscale scale StatefulSets aiopenscale-ibm-aios-etcd --replicas=5


kubectl -n aiopenscale patch StatefulSets aiopenscale-ibm-aios-etcd -p '{"spec":{"replicas":5}}'