Creating the route for the Db2 Warehouse REST service
After you enable the Db2 Warehouse REST service, you need to create a route to expose the REST server to clients that reside outside of the cluster.
Before you begin
Before you create the route, you need the name of the Db2 Warehouse REST service. Run the following command to find the service name:
oc get svc |grep db2u-rest-svc
The result looks similar to the following example:
c-db2wh-1621977491245678-db2u-rest-svc NodePort <none> 50050:31812/TCP 27m
In the preceding example, the Db2
Warehouse REST service name is
The following example shows the URL for a Db2
Warehouse REST server:
What to do next
After you create a route, see Using the REST interface with Db2 Warehouse.
timeout client
timeout server
The default values are each set at 1 minute. With these settings, the Db2 Warehouse REST service that takes longer than 1 minute will encounter timeout errors. If long running services are necessary for your usage, consider updating the default values to be greater than the default HTTP timeout value of two minutes.
systemctl reload haproxy