Restoring Planning Analytics
A Planning Analytics administrator can use the Planning Analytics administration console to restore the instance.
Before you begin
The workstation from which you will run the installation is set up as a client workstation and includes the OpenShift CLI.
- Ensure you are logged into the OpenShift cluster with the
command line tool. - Create a new file called
- Copy and paste the following script into
:#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # IBM Cognos Products: pa # # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PA_KUBE_SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit ; pwd -P )" PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR=${PA_KUBE_SCRIPT_DIR}/.temp set +e KUBERNETES_CMD=kubectl OPENSSL_CMD=openssl UNZIP_CMD=unzip PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE=${2:-zen} EXTENSION='' PA_KUBE_BACKUP_LOCATION="" PA_KUBE_DECRYPT_BACKUP="false" PA_KUBE_COUCHDB_POD="" PA_KUBE_MONGO_POD="" PA_KUBE_MYSQL_POD="" PA_KUBE_REDIS_POD="" PODS=( atlas async-service bss cdn gateway glass neo-idviz neo-provision pa-content pa-predict palm-service paw-ui-api plan-service prism-app prism-platform prism-proxy share-app share-platform share-proxy tm1proxy user-admin wa-proxy ) REPLICAS=() # # General messages # MSG_LOWERCASE_NO="n" MSG_LOWERCASE_YES="y" MSG_UPPERCASE_NO="N" MSG_UPPERCASE_YES="Y" # # Restore messages # MSG_BACKUP_NAMESPACE_PROMPT="Enter the name of the namespace where Planning Analytics is deployed (default: '${1}'): " MSG_PAW_LOCAL_BACKUP_INVALID_VERSION="No 'mongo.${1}' file found. The PAW Local backup must be created by a newer version." MSG_RESTORE_CONFIGURATION="Restoring configuration" MSG_RESTORE_COUCHDB="Restoring couchdb" MSG_RESTORE="Restoring ${1}" MSG_RESTORE_FROM_PAW_LOCAL_LINUX="Restoring from PAW Local Linux backup" MSG_RESTORE_FROM_PAW_LOCAL_WINDOWS="Restoring from PAW Local Windows backup" MSG_RESTORE_MONGO="Restoring mongo" MSG_RESTORE_MYSQL="Restoring mysql" MSG_RESTORE_PASSWORD="Decryption password: " MSG_RESTORE_REDIS="Restoring redis" MSG_RESTORE_USAGE="Usage: <backup directory or zip file> <namespace>" MSG_START_SERVICE="Starting service ${1}" MSG_START_SERVICES="Starting services" MSG_STOP_SERVICE="Stopping service ${1}" MSG_STOP_SERVICES="Stopping services" MSG_WAIT_FOR_SERVICE_TO_START="Waiting for service ${1} to start" MSG_WAIT_FOR_SERVICE_TO_STOP="Waiting for service ${1} to stop" function _exit { echo "$@" exit 1 } function _getParameterValue { local msg='' local value='' msg=$( echo "${1}" "${2}" ) read -er -p "${msg}" value value=${value//[[:space:]]} if [ "${value}" == "" ]; then value="${2}" fi PA_KUBE_CONFIGURATION_VALUE="${value}" } function _getPod { local idx=0 local maxIdx=0 local pod='' local pods=() local result='' local container='' pod="${1}${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" container="${2}" if ! read -r -a pods <<< "$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{.name}{" "}{end}' -l name="${pod}" -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 )"; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi if [ "${#pods[@]}" != "1" ]; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi maxIdx=${MAX_TIME:-30} while [ "${idx}" -lt "${maxIdx}" ]; do result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} exec "${pods[0]}" -c "${container}" -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" -- /bin/bash -c 'ls >& /dev/null' 2>&1 ) if [[ "${result}" != *"container not found"* ]]; then break fi sleep 1 (( idx=idx+1 )) done if [ "${idx}" -eq "${maxIdx}" ]; then _exit _exit "$( echo $MSG_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND "${container}" )" fi echo "${pods[0]}" } function _getPods { PA_KUBE_COUCHDB_POD=$( _getPod 'couchdb-data1' 'couchdb1' ) PA_KUBE_MONGO_POD=$( _getPod 'mongo-data1' 'mongo1' ) PA_KUBE_MYSQL_POD=$( _getPod 'mysql-server' 'mysql-server' ) PA_KUBE_REDIS_POD=$( _getPod 'redis-data1' 'redis' ) } function _getReplicas { local pods='' local replicas=() for pod in "${PODS[@]}"; do pod="${pod}${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" replica=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get deployment "${pod}" --output='jsonpath={.spec.replicas}' -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" ) if [ "${replica}" == "0" ]; then replica="1" fi REPLICAS+=("${replica}") done } function _log() { local msg='' local line='' local result='' if [ "${1:0:4}" == "$MSG_" ]; then msg=$( echo "$@" ) else msg=$* fi if [ "$msg" != "" ]; then OLDIFS=${IFS} IFS=$'\n' case "${PA_LOG_MODE}" in console) for line in ${msg}; do echo "$( date +"%Y-%m-%d_:%H:%M:%S" ): ${line}" done ;; file) if [ ! -d "${PA_KUBE_LOG_DIR}" ]; then if ! result=$( mkdir -p "${PA_KUBE_LOG_DIR}" ); then _exit "${result}" fi fi for line in ${msg}; do echo "$( date +"${PA_KUBE_DATE_FORMAT}" ): ${line}" >> "${PA_KUBE_LOG_DIR}/${PA_KUBE_LOG_FILE}" done ;; esac IFS=${OLDIFS} fi } function _onExit { if [ -d "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}" ]; then rm -rf "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}" fi } # # _prepareRestore # # ${1} - restore directory or zip file # function _prepareRestore { local result='' if ! result=$( mkdir -p "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}" ); then _exit "${result}" fi _log "${result}" if [[ "${1}" == *".zip" ]]; then if ! result=$( ${UNZIP_CMD} -d "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}" -j "${1}" ); then _exit "${result}" fi else if ! result=$( cp -r "${1}/." "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}" ); then _exit "${result}" fi fi if [ "${PA_KUBE_DECRYPT_BACKUP}" == "true" ]; then _getParameterValue $MSG_RESTORE_PASSWORD "" for file in "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}"/*; do if ! result=$( ${OPENSSL_CMD} enc -d -base64 -in "${file}" -out "${file}.base64" -pass pass:"${PA_KUBE_CONFIGURATION_VALUE}"); then _exit "${result}" fi mv "${file}.base64" "${file}" done fi EXTENSION="tgz" if [ -f "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}/bss.tgz" ]; then echo $MSG_RESTORE_FROM_PAW_LOCAL_LINUX fi if [ -f "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}/" ]; then EXTENSION="zip" echo $MSG_RESTORE_FROM_PAW_LOCAL_WINDOWS fi if [ ! -f "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}/mysql.${EXTENSION}" ]; then _exit "$( echo $MSG_PAW_LOCAL_BACKUP_INVALID_VERSION "${EXTENSION}" )" fi _getPods _getReplicas _stopServices } function _processArgs { if [ "${#@}" != "2" ]; then echo $MSG_RESTORE_USAGE exit 0 fi PA_KUBE_BACKUP_LOCATION="${1}" PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE="${2}" } function _restoreCouchDb { local pods=() local result='' echo $MSG_RESTORE_COUCHDB if ! read -r -a pods <<< "$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{.name}{" "}{end}' -l name=couchdb-data1 -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 )"; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi if [ "${#pods[@]}" != "1" ]; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} cp "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}/couchdb.${EXTENSION}" "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}/${pods[0]}:/tmp/couchdb.${EXTENSION}" -c couchdb-data1 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} exec "${pods[0]}" -c couchdb-data1 -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" -- /bin/bash -c '/tools/' 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi } function _restoreMongo { local pods=() local result='' echo $MSG_RESTORE_MONGO if ! read -r -a pods <<< "$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{.name}{" "}{end}' -l name=mongo-data1 -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 )"; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi if [ "${#pods[@]}" != "1" ]; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} cp "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}/mongo.${EXTENSION}" "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}/${pods[0]}:/tmp/mongo.${EXTENSION}" -c mongo-data1 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} exec "${pods[0]}" -c mongo-data1 -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" -- /bin/bash -c '/tools/' 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi _stopService mongo-data1 _startService mongo-data1 1 } function _restoreMySQL { local pods=() local result='' echo $MSG_RESTORE_MYSQL if ! read -r -a pods <<< "$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{.name}{" "}{end}' -l name=mysql-server -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 )"; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} cp "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}/mysql.${EXTENSION}" "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}/${pods[0]}:/tmp/mysql.${EXTENSION}" -c mysql-server 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi if [ "${PA_KUBE_EXPLICIT_USERIDS}" == "true" ]; then if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} exec "${pods[0]}" -c mysql-server -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" -- /bin/bash -c "chown mysql:mysql /tmp/mysql.${EXTENSION}" 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi fi if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} exec "${pods[0]}" -c mysql-server -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" -- /bin/bash -c 'mysqladmin -u root --password=root flush-hosts;/tools/' 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi } function _restoreRedis { local pods=() local result='' echo $MSG_RESTORE_REDIS _stopService redis-data2 _stopService redis-data3 _waitForRedisMaster if ! read -r -a pods <<< "$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{.name}{" "}{end}' -l name=redis-data1 -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 )"; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi if [ "${#pods[@]}" != "1" ]; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} cp "${PA_KUBE_TEMP_DIR}/redis.${EXTENSION}" "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}/${pods[0]}:/tmp/redis.${EXTENSION}" -c redis-data1 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} exec "${pods[0]}" -c redis-data1 -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" -- /bin/bash -c '/tools/' 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi _stopService redis-data1 _startService redis-data1 1 _startService redis-data2 1 _startService redis-data3 1 } function _startServices { local idx='' local pod='' idx=0 for pod in "${PODS[@]}"; do pod="${pod}${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" echo $MSG_START_SERVICE "${pod}" if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} scale --replicas="${REPLICAS[${idx}]}" deployment/"${pod}" -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi (( idx++ )) done for pod in "${PODS[@]}"; do _waitForServiceToStart "${pod}" done } # # _startService # # ${1} - service name # ${2} - number of instances # function _startService { local pod='' local result='' pod="${1}${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" echo $MSG_START_SERVICE "${pod}" if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} scale --replicas="${2}" deployment/"${pod}" -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods --selector=name="${pod}" --output=jsonpath='{.items..status.phase}' -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ) while [[ "${result}" != *"Running"* ]]; do sleep 1 result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods --selector=name="${pod}" --output=jsonpath='{.items..status.phase}' -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ) done } function _stopServices { local pod='' for pod in "${PODS[@]}"; do pod="${pod}${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" echo $MSG_STOP_SERVICE "${pod}" if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} scale --replicas=0 deployment/"${pod}" -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi done for pod in "${PODS[@]}"; do pod="${pod}${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" _waitForServiceToStop "${pod}" done } # # _stopService # # ${1} - service name # function _stopService { local pod='' local result='' pod="${1}${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" echo $MSG_STOP_SERVICE "${pod}" if ! result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} scale --replicas=0 deployment/"${pod}" -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ); then _exit "${result}" fi result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods --selector=name="${pod}" --output=jsonpath='{.items..status.phase}' -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ) while [[ "${result}" != "" ]]; do sleep 1 result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods --selector=name="${pod}" --output=jsonpath='{.items..status.phase}' -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ) done } function _waitForRedisMaster { local idx=0 local maxIdx=0 local pod='' local pods=() local result='' local container='' pod="redis-data1${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" container="redis-data1" if ! read -r -a pods <<< "$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{.name}{" "}{end}' -l name=${pod} -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 )"; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi if [ "${#pods[@]}" != "1" ]; then _exit "${pods[@]}" fi maxIdx=${MAX_TIME:-30} while [ "${idx}" -lt "${maxIdx}" ]; do if result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} exec "${pods[0]}" -c ${container} -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" -- /bin/bash -c '/tools/' 2>&1 ); then break fi sleep 1 (( idx=idx+1 )) done if [ "${idx}" -eq "${maxIdx}" ]; then _exit _exit "$( echo $MSG_REDIS_MASTER_ERROR "${maxIdx}" )" fi } # # _waitForServiceToStart # # ${1} - service name # function _waitForServiceToStart { local pod='' local result='' pod="${1}${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" echo $MSG_WAIT_FOR_SERVICE_TO_START "${pod}" result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods --selector=name="${pod}" --output=jsonpath='{.items..status.phase}' -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ) while [[ "${result}" != *"Running"* ]]; do sleep 1 result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods --selector=name="${pod}" --output=jsonpath='{.items..status.phase}' -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ) done } # # _waitForServiceToStop # # ${1} - service name # function _waitForServiceToStop { local pod='' local result='' pod="${1}${PAW_INSTANCE_ID}" echo $MSG_WAIT_FOR_SERVICE_TO_STOP "${1}" result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods --selector=name="${pod}" --output=jsonpath='{.items..status.phase}' -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ) while [[ "${result}" != "" ]]; do sleep 1 result=$( ${KUBERNETES_CMD} get pods --selector=name="${pod}" --output=jsonpath='{.items..status.phase}' -n "${PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE}" 2>&1 ) done } # # main # trap _onExit EXIT _processArgs "${@}" if [ -z "${PA_KUBE_BACKUP_LOCATION}" ]; then echo $MSG_RESTORE_USAGE exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "${PA_KUBE_BACKUP_LOCATION}" ]; then echo $MSG_RESTORE_USAGE exit 1 fi echo $MSG_RESTORE "${PA_KUBE_BACKUP_LOCATION}" echo "Restoring to namespace $PA_KUBE_NAMESPACE" _prepareRestore "${PA_KUBE_BACKUP_LOCATION}" _restoreRedis _restoreCouchDb _restoreMongo _restoreMySQL _startServices
- Execute the script providing the directory that contains the backup as the first argument
./ <backup-directory> <namespace>
. For example:./ ./backup-2022-01-01 zen
- Wait for the Planning Analytics pods to start up again.