
Manage deployment spaces.

Extended description

Deployment spaces contain deployable assets, deployments, deployment jobs, associated input and output data, and the associated environments. You can use spaces to deploy models and manage your deployments.


Before you run any cpd-cli commands, ensure that you downloaded the cpd-cli 12.0.6 command line utility for your operating system and Cloud Pak for Data edition from:
Common core services
The space commands are relevant only when common core services are installed.

Required permissions

The space command requires cluster administrator or similar roles.


Command Description
space create Create a space that will scope other assets. Authorized user must have the following roles: Platform management role - Administrator; Service access role - Manager.
space delete Delete a space with the specified identifier.
space get Retrieve a space with the specified identifier.
space list Retrieve the space list.
space member create Add a member to a specific space.
space member delete Remove a specific member from a space.
space member get Retrieve member and space information with the specified identifiers.
space member list Retrieve the member list for a specific space.
space member update Partially update a member that is selected with the specified identifier.
space update Partially update a space.
space wait Wait until the space creation or deletion is complete.