
Manage projects.

Extended description

The OpenAPI specification for the Projects API in the Watson™ Studio platform.


Before you run any cpd-cli commands, ensure that you downloaded the cpd-cli 12.0.6 command line utility for your operating system and Cloud Pak for Data edition from:
Common core services
The project commands are relevant only when common core services are installed.

Required permissions

The project command requires cluster administrator or similar roles.


Command Description
project create Create a project with the provided parameters (including all of the storage and credentials) in a single transaction.
project delete Delete a project with a specific ID. The command deletes the COS bucket and all the files within, all credentials, and the asset container (in the reverse order of the project creation).
project get Retrieve specific target project metadata.
project list Return a list of projects that meet the provided query parameters. By default, the list returns projects of which the authenticated user is a member. The command lists only Analytics projects (Data Quality projects are not supported).
project member create Add project members with the provided roles. A project must always have at least one admin user.
project member delete Delete members that match the provided user names from the project.
project member get Return the project member with the specified 'user_name' (when applicable).
project member list Return the project members list.
project member update Change the project member roles.
project update Partially update the project with a subset of properties.