Adding IBM Cognos Analytics to OpenPages

You can configure IBM® OpenPages® for IBM Cloud Pak for Data instances to use IBM Cognos® Analytics for your organization's reporting requirements.

Before you begin

The IBM Cognos Analytics instance and the OpenPages instance are installed and running in the same instance of Cloud Pak for Data.

About this task

You can set up the integration with IBM Cognos Analytics when you provision an OpenPages instance. You can also set up the integration for instances that already exist.

The IBM Cognos Analytics instance and the OpenPages instance must be installed in the same instance of Cloud Pak for Data.

You can integrate multiple OpenPages instances with a single IBM Cognos Analytics instance.

After you set up the integration, you enable IBM Cognos Analytics in your OpenPages instance and generate the reporting framework.


  1. If you did not enable the integration when you provisioned OpenPages, do the following steps:
    1. Update the OpenPagesInstance CR to set enableIntegrationWithCognos: true. You can make this update either through the Cloud Pak for Data web client or by using the command line.
      For the command line, run the following command to open the CR for editing:
      oc edit -n cpd-instance OpenPagesInstance <instance_name>
    2. Wait until the status of the process is Complete.
  2. Log in to OpenPages as an administrator.
  3. Click Administration menu > Integrations > Cognos Analytics.
  4. Optional: In the OpenPages Instance Name, type the name you want to use for the integration in IBM Cognos Analytics. The default value is the name of your OpenPages instance.

    For example, if you use openpagesinstance1, the folder in IBM Cognos Analytics will be Team content/openpagesinstance1.

    Figure 1. OpenPages integration folder in IBM Cognos Analytics
    The Team content folder is shown in Cognos. The folder contains a folder that is called openpagesinstance1.

    You can, for example, use a folder that is called Dev, and then later use another that is called UAT. Your OpenPages instance can use only one folder at a time, but you can switch between them by updating the OpenPages Instance Name field.

  5. Click Enable.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Refresh OpenPages by doing the following steps:
    1. Close all OpenPages browser windows.
    2. Open a new incognito or private window.

      Or, clear the OpenPages session cookies, which are called OPJSESSIONID-POD<N>.

      For example, in Chrome, go to Settings > Privacy and security. Click See all cookies and site data. Click the OpenPages URL, and then delete the OPJSESSIONID-POD<N> cookies.

  8. Update the reporting framework:
    1. Click Administration menu > Cognos Analytics > Reporting Framework Generation.
    2. Ensure that All Models is enabled, and then click Submit.

    The framework models are published to IBM Cognos Analytics in the Team content/<op_instance_name>/OpenPages Packages folder. The package name is OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6.

    Figure 2. OpenPages integration folder in IBM Cognos Analytics with reports and models
    The openpagesinstance1 folder is shown in Cognos. The folder contains the following folders: OpenPages Packages, OpenPages Platform V6, OpenPages Solutions V6,, and OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6.
  9. Verify the integration.
    • Click Primary menu icon to open the Primary menu and click Analytics.
    • Add a report to your dashboard, and open the report.