You can use the db2mon tool to collect monitoring data on your Db2
databases in Cloud Pak for Data.
About this task
A shell script provides a sampling of data collection and analysis. The script also
checks that the prerequisites for db2mon are met. The script is
packaged with Db2
Warehouse and can be found in the
${BLUMETAHOME}/db2inst1/sqllib/samples/perf/ directory.
For more information, see Collecting and reporting performance monitor data with
Log into the Db2
Warehouse pod:
oc exec -it db2u-pod -- bash
Log into the Db2
Warehouse instance as the db2inst1 user:
Navigate to the folder where the script is present
cd ${BLUMETAHOME}/db2inst1/sqllib/samples/perf/
Issue the following command as the db2inst1 user to run the
sh dbname > /tmp/db2mon.out
where dbname is the name of the database to be monitored.
By default, the script collects MON_GET data over a 30-second period. The script can take a
second optional argument to collect data over a different period, which is specified in seconds. For
example, to produce an online report that collects performance data for 120 seconds: dbname 120 > /tmp/db2mon-120s.out
To copy the report from the Db2
Warehouse container to the host, you can run the
following command:
oc cp db2u-podname:/tmp/output-filename destination-path
where destination-path is the path on the host where you want to copy the
report to.