manage login-entitled-registry

Log in to the IBM Entitled Registry before mirroring images to a private container registry.

Extended description

The login-entitled-registry command is a prerequisite to the mirror-images command. You must log in to the IBM® Entitled Registry before you can mirror images to a private container registry.

To run this command, you must have your IBM entitlement API key. If you don't have your API key, see Obtaining your IBM entitlement API key.


cpd-cli manage login-entitled-registry \


Argument Description
IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY The entitlement API key that is associated with your My IBM account.


The login-entitled-registry command has no options.


Best practice: The following example uses the recommended installation environment variables.

Use a script to create environment variables with the correct values for your environment. For details, see Best practice: Setting up install variables.

Add your IBM Entitled Registry credentials to the global pull secret
cpd-cli manage login-entitled-registry \