manage list-images

Get the list of images that are associated with the specified components.

Extended description

Use the list-images command to:

  • Ensure you have access to the images you want to install
  • Itemize the images that will be mirrored to a private container registry
  • Inspect the contents of a private container registry

If your cluster is in a restricted network, you must download the CASE packages before you inspect the contents of the private container registry.

The output is saved to the list_images.csv file in the cpd-cli-workspace/olm-utils-workspace/work/offline/${VERSION} directory.


cpd-cli manage list-images \
--release=<version> \
--components=<comma-separated-list-of-component-names> \
[--case_download=true|false] \
[--inspect_source_registry=true|false] \


The list-images command has no arguments.


Option Description
--case_download Specify whether to download the CASE packages for the specified components if they are not detected in the work directory.
Important: The command will fail if the CASE packages are not in the cpd-cli-workspace/olm-utils-workspace/work directory.
Default value

If you omit this option, the default value is used.

Valid values
Specify false if either of these statements apply:
  • You are running the commands in a restricted network

    You can set this option to false after you transfer the contents of the cpd-cli-workspace/olm-utils-workspace/work directory behind the firewall.

  • You are not allowed to download the CASE packages directly from GitHub.

    You must ensure that the CASE packages are already in the cpd-cli-workspace/olm-utils-workspace/work directory before you run the command.

If the CLI does not detect the CASE packages in the cpd-cli-workspace/olm-utils-workspace/work directory, the command will automatically download the images.
--components A comma-separated list of the components for which you want to see the associated images.
Default value
There is no default value. The list depends on which components you want to get more information about.
Valid values
For the list of components, see Component IDs.

You can specify individual components or a comma separated list of components.

--inspect_source_registry Specify whether you want to confirm that the images for the specified components are accessible from the IBM Entitled Registry.
Default value

If you omit this option, the default value is used.

Valid values
Do not confirm that you can access the images from the IBM® Entitled Registry.
Confirm that you can access the images from the IBM Entitled Registry.
Important: Before you run the command with this option:
--release The release that you want to install or upgrade to.
Default value
No default. You must specify the release.
Valid values
  • 4.6.0
  • 4.6.1
  • 4.6.2
  • 4.6.3
  • 4.6.4
  • 4.6.5
  • 4.6.6
--target_registry The URL of the target registry.

Specify this option if you want to confirm that the images for the specified components were mirrored to the registry.

Default value
No default.
Valid values
Specify the URL of the registry, either:
  • The URL of the private container registry.
  • The URL of the intermediary container registry:


Note: The following example uses the recommended installation environment variables.

Use a script to create environment variables with the correct values for your environment. For details, see Best practice: Setting up install variables.

List the images that will be mirrored for the specified components
cpd-cli manage list-images \
--components=${COMPONENTS} \
Ensure that you have access to the images in the IBM Entitled Registry for the specified components
Remember: Before you run the command:
  • Ensure that the client is connected to the internet.
  • Run the login-entitled-registry command.
cpd-cli manage list-images \
--components=${COMPONENTS} \
--release=${VERSION} \
List the images that will be mirrored to the intermediary container registry
cpd-cli manage list-images \
--components=${COMPONENTS} \
--release=${VERSION} \
Inspect the images that were mirrored to the private container registry
cpd-cli manage list-images \
--components=${COMPONENTS} \
--release=${VERSION} \
--target_registry=${PRIVATE_REGISTRY_LOCATION} \