Syncing project assets when working remotely

You can sync project assets when you are working in a project that is integrated with a Git repository.

We encourage you to only use the tools in IBM Watson Studio, such as JupyterLab, to publish commits to the Git repository associated with your project. However, if you want to work on notebooks in a Git Client or in another IDE outside IBM Watson Studio, you can publish your commits to the Git repository associated with your project and then sync those notebook changes with the project. If you do this though, you must work with the Git repository in your Git Client or in another IDE in the same way that you would in JuypterLab inside IBM Watson Studio. This is important to avoid conflicting issues if you decide to use the sync feature in the project later.

To sync your notebook changes with a project:

  1. Create a new empty project in Watson Studio and select to integrate the project with Git. Enter a token and the URL to a new empty Git repository. Select to edit notebooks only in the JupyterLab IDE even if you don't plan to use JupyterLab in Watson Studio to avoid conflicts with other users editing notebooks in Watson Studio. See Working with files in JupyterLab to ensure that you use the correct folder structure in the repository.

  2. In the Git Client or the IDE you are using, save your notebook changes to the Git repository that you associated with your new project.

    Note: You must save and commit all notebook changes to the assets/jupyterlab folder in the repository. Only notebooks files in this folder or any subfolder in the Git repostory will be added as notebook assets to the Watson Studio project during synchronization. If you try adding files that aren’t in this folder to the repository, you won’t be able to use the sync feature in the project until you have uncommited those changes.

  3. Publish your commits to the repository.

  4. Sync your Git changes with your project, see Syncing Git changes with your project.

Parent topic: Deprecated Git integration