Using an external database with OpenPages

You can use a Db2® database that is outside of IBM Cloud Pak® for Data.

Process overview

If you’re using an external database, the OpenPages® installation process has the following differences:
  1. You must set up the external database before you provision OpenPages.

    Also, if you want to use a tethered project (namespace) for OpenPages instances, set up the tethered project in IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

    See Setting up an external database for OpenPages.

  2. When you set up the cluster:
    • Skip the steps about setting up storage classes for the database.
    • Skip the step about using dedicated nodes.

    See Preparing to install OpenPages.

  3. Do the steps in Installing OpenPages.
  4. Do the steps in Preparing to provision an OpenPages instance.
  5. When you provision the OpenPages instance:
    • For the database type, use External
    • Specify the name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the database connection information, for example openpages-external-db-info.
    • If you are using a tethered project, specify the name of the project. Otherwise, specify the project where IBM Cloud Pak for Data is installed.

    See Provisioning an instance of OpenPages.

  6. If you want to use OpenPages Loss Event Entry, do the steps in Post-provisioning setup for OpenPages Loss Event Entry.