Using an external database with OpenPages
You can use a Db2® database that is outside of IBM Cloud Pak® for Data.
Process overview
If you’re using an external database, the OpenPages® installation process has the following differences:
- You must set up the external database before you provision OpenPages.
Also, if you want to use a tethered project (namespace) for OpenPages instances, set up the tethered project in IBM Cloud Pak for Data.
- When you set up the cluster:
- Skip the steps about setting up storage classes for the database.
- Skip the step about using dedicated nodes.
- Do the steps in Installing OpenPages.
- Do the steps in Preparing to provision an OpenPages instance.
- When you provision the OpenPages instance:
- For the database type, use External
- Specify the name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the database connection information, for example openpages-external-db-info.
- If you are using a tethered project, specify the name of the project. Otherwise, specify the project where IBM Cloud Pak for Data is installed.
- If you want to use OpenPages Loss Event Entry, do the steps in Post-provisioning setup for OpenPages Loss Event Entry.