Retrieving the Informix port number

This sub-section explains how to obtain port information to connect to an Informix instance.

About this task

Connections to the Informix instance are supposed to be done via the Connection Manager and/or the Wire Listener.

The relevant ports are exposed via LoadBalancer NodePorts. To obtain this information you can use standard OpenShift methods.


To obtain the Informix port number:

  1. For connections via Connection Manager:
    The Connection Manger, for example, has a SQLI connection to Informix available. To achieve the port number you can run a command like
     oc get service/crName-cm-service \ 
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("oltpanytls")].nodePort} {"\n"}'
    $ oc get service/informix-1234567890123456-cm-service \ 
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("oltpanytls")].nodePort} {"\n"}'
    The default Connection Manager ports for TLS encrypted communication are:
    • SQLI connection: oltpanytls
    • DRDA connection: oltpdrdaanytls
  2. For connections via Wire Listener:
    To achieve the Wire Listener port number you can run a command like
     oc get service/crName-wlistener-service \
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("wlresttlsport")].nodePort} {"\n"}' 
    $ oc get service/informix-1234567890123456-wlistener-service \ 
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("wlresttlsport")].nodePort} {"\n"}' 
    The default Wire Listener ports for TLS encrypted communication are:
    • REST client connection: wlresttlsport
    • Mongo client connection: wlmongotlsport
    • MQTT client connection: wlmqtttlsport