This sub-section explains how to obtain port information to connect to an Informix
About this task
Connections to the Informix instance are supposed to be done via the Connection Manager and/or
the Wire Listener.
The relevant ports are exposed via LoadBalancer NodePorts. To obtain this information you can use
standard OpenShift methods.
To obtain the Informix port number:
For connections via Connection Manager:
The Connection Manger, for example, has a SQLI connection to Informix available. To achieve
the port number you can run a command like
oc get service/crName-cm-service \
-o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("oltpanytls")].nodePort} {"\n"}'
$ oc get service/informix-1234567890123456-cm-service \
-o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("oltpanytls")].nodePort} {"\n"}'
The default Connection Manager ports for TLS encrypted communication are:
- SQLI connection: oltpanytls
- DRDA connection: oltpdrdaanytls
For connections via Wire Listener:
To achieve the Wire Listener port number you can run a command
oc get service/crName-wlistener-service \
-o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("wlresttlsport")].nodePort} {"\n"}'
$ oc get service/informix-1234567890123456-wlistener-service \
-o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("wlresttlsport")].nodePort} {"\n"}'
The default Wire Listener ports for TLS encrypted communication are:
- REST client connection: wlresttlsport
- Mongo client connection: wlmongotlsport
- MQTT client connection: wlmqtttlsport