Verifying the setup of Db2-supplied stored procedures for Db2 Data Gate

Verify that Db2-supplied stored procedures SYSPROC.ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM, SYSPROC.DSNUTILU, and SYSPROC.ADMIN_COMMAND_Db2 are set to run in Workload Manager (WLM) environments that are separate from the one used by the Db2 Data Gate stored procedures.

Before you begin

Important: If you have installed IBM® Db2 Analytics Accelerator for use with the same Db2 for z/OS® system, you have already set up the required Db2-supplied stored procedures, so that you can skip this task.

About this task

The Db2-supplied stored procedures SYSPROC.ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM, SYSPROC.DSNUTILU, and SYSPROC.ADMIN_COMMAND_Db2 must run in different Workload Manager (WLM) environments that are separate from the one used by the Db2 Data Gate stored procedures. Verify that this and a few other requirements are met by following the steps here.


  1. Verify that each Db2-supplied stored procedure, SYSPROC.ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM, SYSPROC.DSNUTILU and SYSPROC.ADMIN_COMMAND_DB2, runs in a different WLM environment.
  2. Make sure that NUMTCB is set to 1 (NUMTCB=1) for the SYSPROC.ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM and SYSPROC.DSNUTILU WLM environments.
  3. In the start-up JCL job for the WLM environment for SYSPROC.DSNUTILU, use the MNSPAS parameter. Set the parameter to a value that matches the maximum number of table partitions that are to be loaded in parallel. Set the value at least to 10, but to no more than 50.
    Mind that the number of parallel load operations (simultaneous runs of the SYSPROC.ACCEL_LOAD_TABLES stored procedure) and the maximum number of simultaneous unload operations per stored procedure call (determined by the AQT_MAX_UNLOAD_PARALLEL environment variable) influence the total number of parallel DSNUTILU calls.
  4. Verify that all WLM environments include the following libraries in their STEPLIB statements: