RStudio environments (RStudio Server Runtimes)

You can launch RStudio only in an RStudio environment. This can be the default RStudio environment that is included with the RStudio Server Runtimes service, or an RStudio environment that you created.

Default environment templates

Watson Studio offers a default RStudio environment template that you can use to quickly get started in RStudio without having to create your own RStudio environment templates. The included environment template is listed under Templates on the Environments page on the Manage tab of your project.

+ Indicates that the environment template is deprecated.

Rstudio environments
Name Hardware configuration Software version
RStudio with Runtime 22.2 on R 4.2 1 vCPU and 2 GB RAM R 4.2
RStudio with R 3.6 + 1 vCPU and 2 GB RAM R 3.6

If you don't create your own RStudio environment template, the default environment is started for the R version that is installed.

Restriction: The default CPU and memory settings for the RStudio instance are set by the environment templates. The maximum amount of CPU and RAM compute resources available to the active RStudio session is constrained only by the Kubernetes resource quota assigned to the cluster namespace (if a quota was assigned by the administrator) and the compute nodes' physical resource capacity.

Changing the RStudio runtime

If you notice that processing is very slow, you can create an environment template for a larger runtime and then restart RStudio in the larger runtime.

To change the RStudio environment runtime:

  1. Save any data from your current session before switching to another environment.
  2. Stop the active RStudio runtime under Tool runtimes on the Environments page on the Manage tab of your project.
  3. Restart RStudio from the Launch IDE menu on your project's action bar and select the environment with the compute power and memory capacity that better meets your data processing requirements.

Runtime scope

An RStudio environment runtime is always scoped to a project and a user. Each user can only have one RStudio runtime per project at one time. If you start RStudio in a project in which you already have an active RStudio session, the existing active session is disconnected and you can continue working in the new RStudio session.

After you start RStudio, the runtime that becomes active for your session is listed under Tool runtimes on the Environments page on the Manage tab of your project. You can stop the runtime from this page.

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Parent topic: Environments