Creating environment templates (Watson Studio)

You can create custom environment templates if you do not want to use the defaults provided by Watson Studio.

To create an environment template, you must have the Admin or Editor role within the project.

You can create environment templates in Watson Studio to run the following assets:

  • Notebooks in the Notebook editor
  • Notebooks in JupyterLab
  • Notebooks in RStudio
  • Models created in the Model builder
  • Model flows in the Flow editor
  • Data Refinery flows
  • Jobs that run operational assets, such as Data Refinery flows, SPSS Modeler flows, or notebooks in a project

To create an environment template:

  1. On the Manage tab of your project, select the Environments page and click New template under Templates.

  2. Enter a name and a description.

  3. Select the type. The type specifies the runtime engine type.

    • Default: Select for Python or R, RStudio, or JupyterLab runtimes.
    • Spark: Select for Spark with Python, R, or Scala runtimes.
    • GPU: Select for more computing power to improve model training performance.
    • Remote system: Select to:
      • Run Data Refinery jobs to refine data stored in HDFS, in tables in a Hive warehouse, or in tables in Impala on the Hadoop cluster
      • Run jobs or Jupyter Enterprise Gateway (JEG) sessions on remote systems, such as Hadoop or Spectrum Conductor (JEG only).
  4. For Default or GPU, select the hardware configuration and software version.

    • Specify the size for CPU, GPU, and RAM to reserve.

      The environment is started on a compute node where the required resources are available and the resources are reserved for the environment for as long as it runs. You should be careful to specify enough resources for your planned workload, especially sufficient memory. This is important when you run notebooks. 2 GB RAM is the default.

      Although specifying the amount of resources can provide a more predictable experience, it can be difficult to predict what a reasonable limit is, which can lead to situations where all the resources are reserved by active environments but aren't being actively used.

    • Specify the software version, for example Python, R, RStudio or JupyterLab with Python.

  5. For Spark, select the driver and executor size, the number of executors and the software version.

    • Driver hardware configuration. The driver creates the SparkContext which distributes the execution of jobs on the Spark cluster. Select from:
      • 1 vCPU and 4 GB RAM
      • 2 vCPU and 8 GB RAM
    • Executor hardware configuration. The executor is the process in charge of running the tasks in a given Spark job. Select from:
      • 1 vCPU and 4 GB RAM
      • 2 vCPU and 8 GB RAM
    • Number of executors. Select from 1 to 50 executors.
    • Software version, for example, the Spark and Python version.
  6. For Remote system, select a Hadoop or system configuration.

Your new environment template is listed under Environment templates on the Environments page of your project. From this page, you can update an environment template and see which runtimes are active You can also stop runtimes from here.


Notebook environments (Anaconda Python or R distributions):

  • You can't add a software customization to the Python and R environment templates included in Watson Studio. You can only add a customization to an environment template that you create.
  • To create a Python with GPU environment, the Jupyter Notebooks with Python for GPU service must be installed.
  • If you add a software customization using conda or mamba, your environment must have at least 2 GB RAM.
  • After you have started a notebook in an Watson Studio environment, you can't create another conda environment from inside that notebook and use it. Watson Studio environments do not behave like a Conda environment manager.

JupyterLab environments:

  • If you want to add a software customization to an environment template in JupyterLab and want to use the same environment in a job, you must create a custom environment template and select only a Python version as software version. Don't select JupyterLab with a Python version as software version because JuypterLab environment templates are not selectable when you create a job.

Spark environments:

  • You can't customize the software configuration of a Spark environment template.

GPU environments:

  • The number of GPU runtimes you can have active at any time can't exceed the number of GPU units in your cluster.

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Parent topic: Environments