Expected performance of migration (Watson Knowledge Catalog)

The following samples help you to do rough estimations of the time the migration process might take.

The migration process is divided into the following steps:
  • Import of assets by using the istool command
  • Synchronization of assets between the Xmeta and Shop4info services
Database assets
The following number of assets were migrated:
  • Hosts: 60
  • Databases: 470
  • Database schemas: 11,050
  • Database tables: 335,460
  • Database columns: 6,225,530
The time it took to migrate these assets:
  • Import: 2 h 25 min
  • Synchronization: 5 h 45 min
Glossary assets
An industry model with the following number of assets was migrated:
  • Terms: 50,830
  • Categories: 445
The time it took to migrate these assets:
  • Import: 1 h 10 min
  • Synchronization: 1 h