Creating a route for the Db2 Graph server

To use Db2® Graph from clients that reside outside of the cluster, you need to create a route to expose the service.


  1. Execute the following command to create the route:
    oc create route passthrough graph-wss --service GRAPH_SERVICE_NAME --port graph-server
  2. Query the routes to see the route you have created. Execute the following command:
    oc get routes
    The result should look similar to the following example:
    NAME    HOST/PORT                                            PATH SERVICES                           PORT                      TERMINATION                 WILDCARD
    cpd            ibm-nginx-svc                             ibm-nginx-https-port      passthrough/Redirect        None
    graph      c-db2wh-1621022757650703-db2u-graph-svc   graph-server              passthrough                 None
    Using the above example to programmatically access the Db2 Graph server:
    • Use as the graphServerHostname.
    • Use 443 as the graphServerPort.