Post-installation setup for Watson Knowledge Catalog

To finish setting up the Watson Knowledge Catalog service after installation, complete the mandatory tasks and the appropriate optional tasks.

Mandatory tasks

You must complete these tasks to set up Watson Knowledge Catalog.

Mandatory post-installation tasks
Task User role
Installing the patch for version 4.6.4 Project administrator
Setting up Watson Knowledge Catalog Cloud Pak for Data admin user
Enable the import of governance artifacts Project administrator
Enable predefined governance artifacts Project administrator

Installing the patch for version 4.6.4

If you installed or upgraded to version 4.6.4, and if you use offline backup and restore, or Metadata enrichment, then you must install the following patch which fixes issues with offline backup and restore, global search and profiling. Otherwise, it is not needed. You may still install the patch if you plan to use these features in the future.

Note: Installing the patch is only meant for users upgrading to version 4.6.4.
Required role
To complete this task, you must be an adminstrator of the project (namespace) where you deployed the Watson Knowledge Catalog service.

To install the patch, follow the instructions in Installing the patch for version 4.6.4.

Setting up Watson Knowledge Catalog

Before platform users can work with Watson Knowledge Catalog, you must set up Watson Knowledge Catalog.

Required role
To complete this task, you must the Cloud Pak for Data admin user.

To set up Watson Knowledge Catalog, perform these tasks:

Enable the import of governance artifacts

To successfully import any governance artifacts, you must edit the wdp-policy-service deployment file to change the setting of the DPS_USER_DECISION_EVAL_NO_PRUNING flag to false.

Required role
To complete this task, you must be an administrator of the project (namespace) where you deployed the Watson Knowledge Catalog service.

To change the setting, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into the cluster:

    oc login <OpenShift_URL>:port
  2. Set the DPS_USER_DECISION_EVAL_NO_PRUNING environment variable to false. Then, wait for the pods to become ready.

    oc patch wkc wkc-cr --type merge --patch '{"spec": {

Enable predefined governance artifacts

Tip: Only applicable if WKC legacy features are enabled.

You must enable predefined data classes and data rule definitions by updating the solr repository only if you have legacy features for Watson Knowledge Catalog enabled.
If you do not have legacy features enabled and have the Watson Knowledge Catalog core functionality enabled instead, you do not need to enable the predefined data classes and data rule definitions.

Required role
To complete this task, you must be an administrator of the project (namespace) where you deployed the Watson Knowledge Catalog service.

To update the solr repository, enter the following URL in your web browser:


Replace cpd_cluster_host with the hostname or IP address of the Cloud Pak for Data cluster.

Optional tasks

You can perform the following optional tasks to enhance Watson Knowledge Catalog. You must have the appropriate permissions on the OpenShift cluster.

Optional post-installation tasks
Task User role
Enabling optional features after installation or upgrade Project administrator
Restarting the wkc-metadata-imports-ui pod Project administrator
Set the scaling for the service Project administrator
Configuring SSO for advanced metadata import Project administrator
Configure Hive with Kerberos for quality tasks
Note: Base configuration only
Project administrator
Validate analysis database settings
Note: Base configuration only
Project administrator

Parent topic: Installing Watson Knowledge Catalog